Inspired by Re: Extracting paragraphs from html, here's a bit of XML::LibXML code to fetch a web page and dump out all the large paragraphs.
use XML::LibXML; my $p = XML::LibXML->new; $p->recover(1); my $d = do { local *STDOUT; local *STDERR; open STDOUT, ">/dev/null"; open STDERR, ">/dev/null"; $p->parse_html_file(""); }; for my $p ($d->findnodes(q{//text()[string-length() > 100]})) { print $p->toString; }

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Re: Locate large HTML paragraphs with XML::LibXML
by Errto (Vicar) on Sep 12, 2005 at 14:58 UTC
    I've become a pretty big fan of XML::LibXML, but I haven't tried it on not-well-formed-XML content before. With the recover option, how much of the funniness in typical HTML can it handle (missing end tags, unquoted attribute values, singleton tags like <br>)?