in reply to CGI array issues.

You just need a way to match the checkbox with the textarea. I would just run a counter when you create the form.
$output = qq~ <form><table> ~; $counter = 1; foreach $result (@$returned_results) { $checkname = 'include_' . $counter; $textname = 'summary_' . $counter; $urlname = 'url_' . $counter; $output .= qq~ <tr> <td><input type="checkbox" name="$checkname"></td> <td><textarea name="$textname"> yadda yadda </textarea></t +d> <td><input type="hidden" name="$urlname"></td> </tr> ~; $counter++; } $output .= qq~ </table></form> ~;
Now when you have a checked 'include_3' and 'include_87' you know that 'url_3' and 'summary_3' and 'url_87' and 'summary_87' need to go in the database.

mr greywolf