in reply to Perl/Tk Chatterbox Client

This change allows to use the appropriate URL for links like [/|chipmunk]. (Inspired by epoptai. ;)

Replace the definition of the perlmonks URLs with these lines:

# URL to use for links into perlmonks & cpan my($perlmonksURL_base) = ''; my($perlmonksURL_node) = ''; my($perlmonksURL_id) = ''; my($perlmonksURL_cpan) = ' +ery=';
And update the code for the launchBrowser sub with these lines:
printMessage("\n*Launching browser for node $node..."); if ($node =~ s/^id:\/\///) { $url = $perlmonksURL_id . $nod +e; } elsif ($node =~ s/^node_id=//) { $url = $perlmonksURL_id . $nod +e; } elsif ($node =~ s/^cpan:\/\///) { $url = $perlmonksURL_cpan . $nod +e; } elsif ($node =~ /^http:/) { $url = $node; + } elsif ($node =~ s/^\/+//) { $url = $perlmonksURL_base . $nod +e; } else { $url = $perlmonksURL_node . $nod +e; }