in reply to Module installed Path

I don't know if there's an official way, but here's what I could whip together:

sub find_installed_path { my $module_name = shift; # For Unix systems: $module_name =~ s!::!/!g; # For Windows: #$module_name =~ s!::!\\!g; $module_name .= '.pm'; foreach my $path (@INC) { next if (ref $path); return "$path/$module_name" if (-f "$path/$module_name"); } return ''; } print find_installed_path('File::Find');

YMMV, but works with Linux and Perl 5.8.8.

UPDATE: @INC may contain references (to subroutines, blessed objects, etc.), so added a check right at the beginning of the foreach loop.

print "Just Another Perl Adept\n";