in reply to Re: Better solution to the code
in thread Better solution to the code

Precompiling the regexes should provide a speedup and using List::MoreUtils::any() may do if the chance of a match is good since the test will shortcut on success. Naturally you will benchmark;-)

use List::MoreUtils qw(any); open my $OUT, '>', 'Result_file.txt' or die "Cannot create file: $!\n" +; open my $IN, '<', 'Input_file.dat' or die "Cannot read file: $!\n"; # precompile the regexes. @tag_rx = map {qr/$_/} @tag; while ( my $data = <$IN> ) { print $OUT $data if any { $data =~ /$_/ } @tag_rx; } close $IN; close $OUT;