in reply to Re^8: Hockey Sticks
in thread Hockey Sticks

I have NOT said you are wrong to effectively ask Perl 6 friends to avoid posting about Perl 6 at Perl Monks until it's achieved a level of usability and usefulness that you pronounce acceptable.

I don't see why not; you're clearly content to smear that implication all over your post. That's not only dishonest, it's rude.

I have tried to encourage you to ... consider your career 5 years from now.

That's condescending, and really none of your concern.

... an exaggeration of what this Meditation really is?

Put some meaning behind those statistics then. A chart without clear labels on both axes is chartjunk. See my first post in this thread for questions you've ignored in favor of logical fallacies, ad hominem nonsense, and condescending armchair psychoanalysis.