in reply to Variance in sort order (collation) {Solved: needed sharper eyes}

There does seem to be a problem in multiple keys sort:
$last[$a] cmp $last[$b] or $first[$a] cmp $last[$b]
should be:
my @index = sort { $last[$a] cmp $last[$b] or $first[$a] cmp $first[$b] } 0 .. $#first; sort on multiple keys Adler, Rich Jackson, Jon Jones, Fred Jones, John Smith, Joe Smith, John But, testing, single sort (cmp): Fred Joe John John Jon Rich

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Re^2: Variance in sort order (collation)
by ww (Archbishop) on Feb 21, 2012 at 02:43 UTC
    Bingo! Thank you, tangent!

    and apologies to all the little electrons I inconvenienced by my bleary-eyes say nothing of the Reverend Monks.