reaper9187 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi everyone, I'm developing a small application that reads multiple reports and displays some results. I'm using spreadsheet::parseExcel and have developed GUI using perl/Tk.
Now, i'm facing two issues mainly:

1. I'm not very well versed with the bind option. I'm finding it a little difficult to attach it the callback of a subroutine. Now the problem is , everytime i close the window and try opening it back again, it gives me this error

2. The script i'm using parses the values in an excel file by the row/column numbers of the multiple excel files. I'm able to run this script on a test file but when i try to run it for a different file, it just doesnt work. In addition it gives me this error.
error:not a Tk object Tk::die_with_trace at G:/Dwimperl/Perl/site/lib/ line 251 Tk::__ANON__ at line 141 main::push_button1 at G:/Dwimperl/Perl/site/lib/ line 251 (eval) at G:/Dwimperl/Perl/site/lib/ line 251 Tk::__ANON__ at G:/Dwimperl/Perl/site/lib/Tk/ line 175 Tk::Button::butUp at G:/Dwimperl/Perl/site/lib/ line 424 (eval) at G:/Dwimperl/Perl/site/lib/ line 424 Tk::MainLoop at line 87 Tk callback for .button Tk::__ANON__ at G:/Dwimperl/Perl/site/lib/ line 251 Tk::Button::butUp at G:/Dwimperl/Perl/site/lib/ line 175 <Button-Release1>

This is becoming really frustrating now. Please help

Attached is code below:
use Tk; # Main Window my $mw = new MainWindow; $mw->Frame(-background => 'red')->pack(-ipadx =>50, -side => "left", - +fill => "y"); #Making a text area my $txt = $mw -> Scrolled('Text',-width => 150, height => 40, -scrollb +ars=>'e', -font => "fixed 8 bold" ) -> pack (); $txt->insert('end', ""); #Declare that there is a menu my $mbar = $mw -> Menu(); $mw -> configure(-menu => $mbar); #The Main Buttons my $file = $mbar -> cascade(-label=>"File", -underline=>0, -tearoff => + 0); my $tool= $mbar -> cascade(-label =>"Tools", -underline=>0, -tearoff = +> 0); my $parser = $mbar -> cascade(-label =>"RL Parser", -underline=>0, -te +aroff => 0); my $help = $mbar -> cascade(-label =>"Help", -underline=>0, -tearoff = +> 0); ## File Menu ## $file -> command(-label => "Home", -underline=>0, -command=> \&home ); $file -> command(-label => "Check KPI definitions", -underline=>0, -command=> \&define ); $file -> checkbutton(-label =>"Check for faults", -underline => 0, -command => \&faults); $file -> separator(); $file -> command(-label =>"Exit", -underline => 1, -command => sub { exit } ); ## Tools Menu ## $tool -> command(-label => "Network planning", -underline=>0, -command=> \&nwplan ); $tool -> command(-label => " ", -underline=>0, -command=> \&optimize ); $tool -> separator(); $tool -> command(-label =>"Network Planning Rules", -underline =>1, -command => sub { $txt -> delete('1.0', 'end'); <br/> sub define { my $mw = new MainWindow; # Main Window my $frm_name = $mw -> Frame(); my $lab = $frm_name -> Label(-text=>"Enter KPI:"); my $ent = $frm_name -> Entry(); my $but = $mw -> Button(-text=>"Check", -command =>\&push_button1); my $textarea = $mw -> Frame(); #Creating Another Frame my $txt = $textarea -> Text(-width=>130, -height=>30, -font=> "fixed 1 +0 bold"); my $srl_y = $textarea -> Scrollbar(-orient=>'v',-command=>[yview => $t +xt]); my $srl_x = $textarea -> Scrollbar(-orient=>'h',-command=>[xview => $t +xt]); $txt -> configure(-yscrollcommand=>['set', $srl_y], -xscrollcommand=>['set',$srl_x]); $lab -> grid(-row=>1,-column=>1); $ent -> grid(-row=>1,-column=>2); $frm_name -> grid(-row=>1,-column=>1,-columnspan=>2); $but -> grid(-row=>4,-column=>1,-columnspan=>2); $txt -> grid(-row=>1,-column=>1); $srl_y -> grid(-row=>1,-column=>2,-sticky=>"ns"); $srl_x -> grid(-row=>2,-column=>1,-sticky=>"ew"); $textarea -> grid(-row=>5,-column=>1,-columnspan=>2); $txt -> insert('end'," *some text* ");} else {$txt -> delete('1.0', 'end'); $txt -> insert('end'," Wrong Keyword. Please Try Again"); } } }

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Error Not a tk object / Problems with multiple files
by Anonymous Monk on Oct 16, 2012 at 11:33 UTC
    Post the actual script which results in these errors, the perl script you have posted has fewer lines than the one you ran which generated the error. How do I post a question effectively?, post code which you have run that results in the error you post
      Here you go:

      #!/usr/local/bin/perl use Tk; # Main Window my $mw = new MainWindow; $mw->Frame(-background => 'red')->pack(-ipadx =>50, -side => "left", - +fill => "y"); #Making a text area my $txt = $mw -> Scrolled('Text',-width => 150, height => 40, -scrollb +ars=>'e', -font => "fixed 8 bold" ) -> pack (); $txt->insert('end', ""); #Declare that there is a menu my $mbar = $mw -> Menu(); $mw -> configure(-menu => $mbar); #The Main Buttons my $file = $mbar -> cascade(-label=>"File", -underline=>0, -tearoff => + 0); my $tool= $mbar -> cascade(-label =>"Tools", -underline=>0, -tearoff = +> 0); my $parser = $mbar -> cascade(-label =>"RL Parser", -underline=>0, -te +aroff => 0); my $help = $mbar -> cascade(-label =>"Help", -underline=>0, -tearoff = +> 0); ## File Menu ## $file -> command(-label => "Home", -underline=>0, -command=> \&home ); $file -> command(-label => "Check KPI definitions", -underline=>0, -command=> \&define ); $file -> checkbutton(-label =>"Check for faults", -underline => 0, -command => \&faults); $file -> separator(); $file -> command(-label =>"Exit", -underline => 1, -command => sub { exit } ); ## Tools Menu ## $tool -> command(-label => "Network planning", -underline=>0, -command=> \&nwplan ); $tool -> command(-label => " ", -underline=>0, -command=> \&optimize ); $tool -> separator(); $tool -> command(-label =>"Network Planning Rules", -underline =>1, -command => sub { $txt -> delete('1.0', 'end'); $txt->insert('end',"some text");}); ## Parse Menu ## $parser -> command(-label => "Parse the RL Dump", -underline=>0, -command=> \&parse ); ## Help Menu ## $help -> command(-label => "About", -underline=>0, -command=> \&help ); MainLoop; sub help { my ($opt) = @_; $mw->messageBox(-message=>"This function is not available yet"); } sub define { my $mw = new MainWindow; # Main Window my $frm_name = $mw -> Frame(); my $lab = $frm_name -> Label(-text=>"Enter KPI:"); my $ent = $frm_name -> Entry(); my $but = $mw -> Button(-text=>"Check", -command =>\&push_button1); my $textarea = $mw -> Frame(); #Creating Another Frame my $txt = $textarea -> Text(-width=>130, -height=>30, -font=> "fixed 1 +0 bold"); my $srl_y = $textarea -> Scrollbar(-orient=>'v',-command=>[yview => $t +xt]); my $srl_x = $textarea -> Scrollbar(-orient=>'h',-command=>[xview => $t +xt]); $txt -> configure(-yscrollcommand=>['set', $srl_y], -xscrollcommand=>['set',$srl_x]); $lab -> grid(-row=>1,-column=>1); $ent -> grid(-row=>1,-column=>2); $frm_name -> grid(-row=>1,-column=>1,-columnspan=>2); $but -> grid(-row=>4,-column=>1,-columnspan=>2); $txt -> grid(-row=>1,-column=>1); $srl_y -> grid(-row=>1,-column=>2,-sticky=>"ns"); $srl_x -> grid(-row=>2,-column=>1,-sticky=>"ew"); $textarea -> grid(-row=>5,-column=>1,-columnspan=>2); $txt -> insert('end',"some points" ); MainLoop; #This function will be executed when the button is pushed sub push_button1 { my $name = $ent -> get(); if($name eq "TCH Traffic") {$txt -> delete('1.0', 'end'); $txt -> insert('end',"some text"); } elsif($name eq "SDCCH Drop") {$txt -> delete('1.0', 'end'); $txt -> insert('end',"some text");} elsif($name eq "TCH Assignment") {$txt -> delete('1.0', 'end'); $txt -> insert('end'," some text");} elsif($name eq "TCH Blocking") {$txt -> delete('1.0', 'end'); $txt -> insert('end'," some text");} elsif($name eq "TCH Drop") {$txt -> delete('1.0', 'end'); $txt -> insert('end'," some text");} elsif($name eq "HOSR") {$txt -> delete('1.0', 'end'); $txt -> insert('end'," some text");} elsif($name eq "SDCCH Blocking") {$txt -> delete('1.0', 'end'); $txt -> insert('end',"some text");} else {$txt -> delete('1.0', 'end'); $txt -> insert('end'," Wrong Keyword. Please Try Again"); } } } sub nwplan { use Tk; #Global Variables my $gender = "TCH Drop"; # Main Window my $mw = new MainWindow; my $frm_name = $mw -> Frame(); my $lab = $frm_name -> Label(-text=>"Name:"); my $ent = $frm_name -> Entry(); my $frm_a = $mw -> Frame(); my $laba = $frm_a -> Label(-text=>"Name:"); my $enta = $frm_a -> Entry(); my $frm_b = $mw -> Frame(); my $labb = $frm_b -> Label(-text=>"Name:"); my $entb = $frm_b -> Entry(); #Define KPI my $frm_job = $mw -> Frame(); @set = (61,62, 63, 64 ,65 ,66 ,67 ,68 ,69 ,70 ,71 ,72, 73, 74, 75); #Gender my $frm_gender = $mw -> Frame(); my $lbl_gender = $frm_gender -> Label(-text=>"Enter the ARFCN of adjac +ent cell 1"); my $ent = $frm_gender -> Entry(); my $frm_gendera = $mw -> Frame(); my $lbl_gendera = $frm_gendera -> Label(-text=>"Enter the ARFCN of adj +acent cell 2"); my $enta = $frm_gendera -> Entry(); my $frm_genderb = $mw -> Frame(); my $lbl_genderb = $frm_genderb -> Label(-text=>"Enter the ARFCN of adj +acent cell 3"); my $entb = $frm_genderb -> Entry(); my $but = $mw -> Button(-text=>"Check", -command =>\&push_button2); #Text Area my $textarea = $mw -> Frame(); my $txt = $textarea -> Text(-width=>130, -height=>30, -font=> "fixed 1 +0 bold"); my $srl_y = $textarea -> Scrollbar(-orient=>'v',-command=>[yview => $t +xt]); my $srl_x = $textarea -> Scrollbar(-orient=>'h',-command=>[xview => $t +xt]); $txt -> configure(-yscrollcommand=>['set', $srl_y], -xscrollcommand=>['set',$srl_x]); #Geometry Management $lab -> grid(-row=>0,-column=>1); $ent -> grid(-row=>0,-column=>2); $lbl_gender -> grid(-row=>0,-column=>1); $frm_gender -> grid(-row=>2,-column=>1,-columnspan=>2); $laba -> grid(-row=>1,-column=>1); $enta -> grid(-row=>1,-column=>2); $lbl_gendera -> grid(-row=>1,-column=>1); $frm_gendera -> grid(-row=>3,-column=>1,-columnspan=>2); $labb -> grid(-row=>3,-column=>1); $entb -> grid(-row=>3,-column=>2); $lbl_genderb -> grid(-row=>3,-column=>1); $frm_genderb -> grid(-row=>4,-column=>1,-columnspan=>2); $but -> grid(-row=>4,-column=>2,-columnspan=>2); $txt -> grid(-row=>1,-column=>1); $srl_y -> grid(-row=>1,-column=>2,-sticky=>"ns"); $srl_x -> grid(-row=>2,-column=>1,-sticky=>"ew"); $textarea -> grid(-row=>5,-column=>1,-columnspan=>2); $txt -> insert('end'," some text"); MainLoop; ## Functions #This function will be executed when the button is pushed sub push_button2 { $gender = $ent ->get(); $gendera = $enta ->get(); $genderb = $entb ->get(); @list = (61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75 ); @final = (undef); @sum = (undef); if($gender >= 61 && $gender <= 75 && $gendera >= 61 && $gendera <= 75 + && $genderb >= 61 && $genderb <= 75) { $d = $gender -$gendera; $e = $gendera-$genderb; $f = $genderb-$gender; if( $d == -1 || $d == 0 || $d == 1 || $e == -1 || $e == 0 || $e == 1 + || $f== -1 || $f == 0 || $f == 1 ) { $txt -> delete('1.0', 'end'); $txt -> insert('end'," Incorrect Entries. Check the values entered Reason: Neigbor cell mismatch"); } else { foreach $key ( @list ) { $a = $gender -$key; $b = $gendera-$key; $c = $genderb-$key; if( $a == -1 || $a == 0 || $a == 1 || $b == -1 || $b == 0 || $b + == 1 || $c== -1 || $c == 0 || $c == 1 ) { next; } else { push( @final, $key); $txt -> delete('1.0', 'end'); } } $size = @final; @gender = ($gender,$gendera,$genderb); $txt -> delete('1.0', 'end'); $txt -> insert('end'," The set of allowed frequencies are \n"); $txt -> insert('end'," \t @final"); $x = $size; @i= (undef); for($i=0; $i<$x; $i++) { for($j=0; $j<3; $j++) { $i[$j] = $gender[$j] - $final[$i]; if($i[$j]<0) { $i[$j] = (-1)*$i[$j];} else { $i[$j]=$i[$j]; } } $total =0; foreach $xyz(@i) { $total = $total + $xyz; } push(@sum, $total); } shift(@sum); shift(@sum); $txt-> insert('end'," \n The distance matrix is given as: \n \t@sum"); $txt-> insert('end'," some text"); } } else { $txt -> delete('1.0', 'end'); $txt -> insert('end'," Please Check the frequencies entered"); } } } sub faults { #Global Variables my $gender = "TCH Drop"; # Main Window my $mw = new MainWindow; #Define KPI my $frm_job = $mw -> Frame(); #Gender my $frm_gender = $mw -> Frame(); my $lbl_gender = $frm_gender -> Label(-text=>"KPI Affected "); my $ent = $frm_gender -> Entry(); my $rdb_m = $frm_gender -> Radiobutton(-text=>"TCH Drop", -value=>"TCH Drop", -variable=>\$gender); my $rdb_f = $frm_gender -> Radiobutton(-text=>"TCH Blocking", -value=>"TCH Blocking",-variable=>\$gender); my $rdb_j = $frm_gender -> Radiobutton(-text=>"TCH assignment", -value=>"TCH Assignment",-variable=>\$gender); my $rdb_k = $frm_gender -> Radiobutton(-text=>"SDCCH Blocking", -value=>"SDCCH Blocking",-variable=>\$gender); my $rdb_t = $frm_gender -> Radiobutton(-text=>"SDCCH Drop", -value=>"SDCCH Drop",-variable=>\$gender); my $rdb_l = $frm_gender -> Radiobutton(-text=>"HOSR", -value=>"HOSR",-variable=>\$gender); my $but = $mw -> Button(-text=>"Check", -command =>\&push_button); #Text Area my $textarea = $mw -> Frame(); my $txt = $textarea -> Text(-width=>130, -height=>30, -font=> "fixed 1 +0 bold"); my $srl_y = $textarea -> Scrollbar(-orient=>'v',-command=>[yview => $t +xt]); my $srl_x = $textarea -> Scrollbar(-orient=>'h',-command=>[xview => $t +xt]); $txt -> configure(-yscrollcommand=>['set', $srl_y], -xscrollcommand=>['set',$srl_x]); #Geometry Management $lbl_gender -> grid(-row=>1,-column=>1); $rdb_m -> grid(-row=>1,-column=>2); $rdb_f -> grid(-row=>1,-column=>3); $rdb_j -> grid(-row=>1,-column=>4); $rdb_k -> grid(-row=>1,-column=>5); $rdb_l -> grid(-row=>1,-column=>6); $rdb_t -> grid(-row=>1,-column=>7); $frm_gender -> grid(-row=>3,-column=>1,-columnspan=>2); $but -> grid(-row=>4,-column=>1,-columnspan=>2); $txt -> grid(-row=>1,-column=>1); $srl_y -> grid(-row=>1,-column=>2,-sticky=>"ns"); $srl_x -> grid(-row=>2,-column=>1,-sticky=>"ew"); $textarea -> grid(-row=>5,-column=>1,-columnspan=>2); MainLoop; ## Functions #This function will be executed when the button is pushed sub push_button { if($gender eq "SDCCH Blocking") {$txt -> delete('1.0', 'end'); $txt -> insert('end',"*some text"); } elsif($gender eq "HOSR") { $txt -> delete('1.0', 'end'); $txt -> insert('end'," *some text"); } elsif($gender eq "SDCCH Drop") { $txt -> delete('1.0', 'end'); $txt -> insert('end',"*some text*"); } elsif($gender eq "TCH Blocking") {$txt -> delete('1.0', 'end'); $txt -> insert('end'," some text"); } elsif($gender eq "TCH Drop") {$txt -> delete('1.0', 'end'); $txt -> insert('end',"some text"); } elsif($gender eq "TCH Assignment") {$txt -> delete('1.0', 'end'); $txt -> insert('end',"some text"); } }} }
        You said you were using Tcl/Tk, but it looks like a plain Perl/Tk script to me. In any event, your code problem almost certainly stems from having multiple new MainWindow and multiple MainLoop declarations. In Perl/Tk, as in the Highlander, there can only be 1 :-)

        The first MainWindow you declare is fine, but all those following ones should be converted to Toplevel windows, which exist under the the single MainLoop of the first MainWindow declared.

        Here is a simple usage of Toplevel

        #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Tk; my $mw = MainWindow->new; $mw->Label(-text => 'Main Window')->pack; $mw->Button( -text => 'Quit Main', -command => sub{$mw->destroy}, )->pack; my $top = $mw->Toplevel; $top->Label(-text => 'Top level Window')->pack; $top->Button( -text => 'Exit Top level', -command => sub{$top->destroy}, )->pack; $top->transient($mw); MainLoop;

        I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth.
        Old Perl Programmer Haiku ................... flash japh