in reply to Re^3: Can I from within a module access variables from the calling program?
in thread Can I from within a module access variables from the calling program?

And the use parent, what is it doing precisely please ?

If you're really interested, read about it :) perldoc parent


testcase (creates 3 logfiles on each run)

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Re^5: Can I from within a module access variables from the calling program?
by HJO (Acolyte) on Oct 29, 2012 at 11:48 UTC

    Thanks for the perldoc link, I've read it and will maybe hopefully understand its implications someday...

    About your code, I think I got it (not quite sure ^^'), but it's not really an anwser to my issue... I'm looking at a way to have the same logfile name for my script and module while I'm running them... And I'm afraid that as you had, if there's a 1 second delay, the two files would not have the same name...

      if there's a 1 second delay, the two files would not have the same name...

      give gmtime $^T

        FWIW, you're only supposed to configure the logger in one place once, the app