in reply to xs modifying passed value

Results after hacking up Bulk88's righteous work into my deeper needs!

Mucho Thanks for the kick in the git go.

int MyLib::strToInt(...) PREINIT: SV* passfailSV; bool passfail; CODE: if(items == 2) { SV* passfailSV = ST(1); RETVAL = THIS->strToInt(&passfail); SvSetMagicSV(passfailSV, passfail ? &PL_sv_yes : &PL_sv_no); } else if(items == 1) { RETVAL = THIS->strToInt(); } else croak("Usage: MyLib->strToInt(...)"); OUTPUT: RETVAL

Critiques ??
Comments ??
Suggestions ??
Improvements ??

fh : )_~