{ package Person; use Moose; has name => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str'); sub introduce_yourself { my $self = shift; printf("My name is %s\n", $self->name); } } { package SecretAgent; use Moose; extends 'Person'; # secret agents have many aliases has '+name' => (isa => 'ArrayRef'); =pod #override and disable Person's introduce yourself override introduce_yourself => sub { my $self = shift; my @names = @{ $self->name }; my $name = $names[ rand @names ]; my $surname = (split / /, $name)[-1]; printf("The name's %s, %s\n", $surname, $name); } =cut #cant' "around" because name is also arrayref at Person around 'introduce_yourself' => sub { my $coderef=shift; my $self=shift; my @names= @{$self->name}; my $name = $names[ rand @names ]; print "in around, name=$name\n"; $self->$coderef($name); #oh, what is passing $name to introduce_yourself? #silly me. } } my $bond = SecretAgent->new( name => ['James Bond', 'Burt Saxby', 'David Somerset'], ); $bond->introduce_yourself;