tbone654 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I use LWP::Simple to go out and get a webpage and for the example's sake, write it to a file

perl -Mwarnings -MLWP::Simple -e 'BEGIN {getprint ""}' >> zzz.out

To make this easier to read I'll parse out just the lines with the tags I need which are "borderTd" tags

cat zzz.out | perl -e 'while (<>) {next unless /borderTd/; print; $lines ++;} print "\n$lines"; '

So you end up with 53 lines which contain "borderTd"... I would print the lines here, but it's html which the brower wants to print as a web page, so the preview gets real ugly. The values I'm trying to capture are on lines 6, 7, 9 and 10 and contain:
line 6 = last price
line 7 = date
line 9 = open and high for the day
line 10 = low and volume.

My challenge is to extract the values in those tags, and manupulate them in some manner that is useful.

I have this other page in development with historical prices, and would like to somehow add these real-time prices to the page and do the updated calculations.

Input SPY for consistancy

Any help with splitting this data out somehow is very much appreciated.