in reply to Allternative method (aka TIMTOWTDI)
in thread Removing line from a string

It turns out that choroba's regex method performs the best for larger data sets and the index method for small sets.

#!/usr/bin/perl use Benchmark qw ( :hireswallclock cmpthese timethese ); use strict; use warnings; # medium data set our $records = "Key\n" . join ( "\n", 1..200000 ); # small data set # our $records = 'Key # 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 # 5'; sub choroba { local $records = $records; $records =~ s/^ # beginning of the string .* # whatever except newline \n # newline //x; #print $records, "\nchoroba\n"; } sub si_lence { local $records = $records; $records = substr($records, 4); #print $records, "\nsi_lence\n"; } sub space_monk { local $records = $records; my @lines = split /^/, $records; shift @lines; # remove first line #print @lines; #print "\nspace_monk\n"; } my $results = timethese( -5, { 'choroba' => 'choroba', 'si_lence' => 'si_lence', 'space_monk' => 'space_monk', } ); cmpthese($results); __END__ **** Results with small data set Benchmark: running choroba, si_lence, space_monk for at least 5 CPU se +conds... choroba: 6.08126 wallclock secs ( 6.09 usr + 0.00 sys = 6.09 CPU) + @ 958995.90/s (n=5843162) si_lence: 6.28688 wallclock secs ( 6.28 usr + 0.00 sys = 6.28 CPU) + @ 1221333.07/s (n=7671193) space_monk: 5.64815 wallclock secs ( 5.64 usr + 0.00 sys = 5.64 CPU) + @ 324712.99/s (n=1831706) Rate space_monk choroba si_lence space_monk 324713/s -- -66% -73% choroba 958996/s 195% -- -21% si_lence 1221333/s 276% 27% -- **** Results with medium data set Benchmark: running choroba, si_lence, space_monk for at least 5 CPU se +conds... choroba: 5.05257 wallclock secs ( 2.20 usr + 2.83 sys = 5.03 CPU) + @ 1639.44/s (n=8248) si_lence: 5.87241 wallclock secs ( 3.84 usr + 2.02 sys = 5.86 CPU) + @ 862.29/s (n=5053) space_monk: 5.16132 wallclock secs ( 5.03 usr + 0.09 sys = 5.12 CPU) + @ 3.51/s (n=18) Rate space_monk si_lence choroba space_monk 3.51/s -- -100% -100% si_lence 862/s 24442% -- -47% choroba 1639/s 46560% 90% --