in reply to Recursion

You could also implement this with an array, instead of a recursive sub:
opendir(ROOT_DIR,"/")|| die "Error:$!\n"; my @todo = grep {$_ ne '..'} readdir(ROOT_DIR); closedir(ROOT_DIR); while (my $what = shift @todo) { if (-f $what){ log_sbit($what) if (-u $what || -g $what); } elsif (-d $what && opendir(SUB_DIR, $what){ push @todo, map {"$what/$_"} grep {$_ ne '..'} readdir(SUB_DIR); closedir(SUB_DIR); } }
Untested but perhaps you'll like the approach and work things out. Remember to build full paths each time (that's what the map would be doing if this were working code). When you finally run out of @todo elements you've searched everything.

And I can't resist: for more information on recursion, see Recursion.

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Re: Re: Recursion
by dataDrone (Acolyte) on Aug 03, 2001 at 05:39 UTC
    You know, I must have followed that Link for More Info at least twenty times and i never saw anything new...
      Ah, but each time you saw it, you had the knowledge gained from all the previous times and hence an ever deeper understanding.
