in reply to WWW::Wikipeida getting translation


Changing the search term yields different results. For instance, for 'clam', I get:

da de en eo fi gl ja

which is nevertheless still far fewer than the 20+ languages shown in my browser.

A bit of poking about in the Data::Dumper output as suggested by toolic shows these lines towards the end

[[da:Musling]] [[de:Muscheln]] [[eo:Pekteno]] [[gl:Ameixa, molusco]] [[ja:\x{30cf}\x{30de}\x{30b0}\x{30ea}]] [[fi:Simpukat]]

which obviously correspond, apart from en, but don't appear in the browser-rendered version.

But what I'm wondering is where you found the languages() method documented? It's not in the POD for WWW::Wikipedia.

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Re^2: WWW::Wikipeida getting translation
by toolic (Bishop) on Feb 28, 2013 at 19:16 UTC
    But what I'm wondering is where you found the languages() method documented? It's not in the pod for WWW::Wikipedia.
    I wondered the same thing. I looked in the source for WWW::Wikipedia, and I found:
    use WWW::Wikipedia::Entry;

    The POD for WWW::Wikipedia::Entry has languages(). The POD for WWW::Wikipedia should mention WWW::Wikipedia::Entry.