#!/usr/bin/perl -w my $variable; my @fields; my $line =0 ; use vars qw($current_path $filename); print "Enter the desired path: "; my $path = ; chomp( $path ); my $in_file = "test.txt"; my $out_file = "testout.txt"; open (DATA, "<$in_file") or die "Can't open $in_file: $!\n"; open (OUT, ">$out_file") or die "Can't open $out_file: $!\n"; while ( ) { chomp; my ($first, $last ) = /(.+",)(.+)/; $last =~ s//"\n$first"/g; my @parameters = split /"\s*,\s*"/, $first; $parameters[1] =~ tr/"//d; my $path = "$path\\"; my $new_path = $path.$parameters[1]; @array = split(/,/,$last); foreach $entry(@array) { $entry =~ tr/"//d; $entry =~ s|(.+)\\|$1::|; ($current_path,$filename) = split/::/,$entry; $last =~s/$current_path/$new_path/ig; #rename the last entry which contains a path to folder name with the new path print "$last\n"; } print "\n"; } close DATA; close OUT;