MCMic has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I'm trying to figure out when a bug was fixed in perl using
The bug is a glibc crash occurring when I do the following:
perl -e 'use threads;use POE::Kernel; threads->create(sub{})->join;'
It works with 5.16, crash with 5.14

I tried the following:
../perl/Porting/ -Accflags=-Duseithreads --start v5.14.0 --end v5.16.0 --expect-fail -- ./perl -Ilib -e "use threads;use POE::Kernel; threads->create(sub{})->join; exit;"
But I get "This Perl not built to support threads", despite my use of "-Duseithreads"

What am I missing?