in reply to no rows returned for dbi fetchall_arrayref

In one case you stringified it. In the other you are taking it in scalar context and Perl magic is not doing what you expect.

use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; my @array = qw (there is some data here); is_empty (\@array); # look out for edge cases @array = qw(one); is_empty(\@array); #empty it @array = (); is_empty (\@array); sub is_empty { my $array_ref = shift; say "\nGot: ". join ", ", @{$array_ref}; say "Empty" unless scalar @{$array_ref}; say "Caution" if $#{$array_ref} == 0; say "Empty" if $#{$array_ref} == -1; say "Maths == String?" if @{$array_ref} == ""; say "Empty as String?" if @{$array_ref} eq ""; }


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