in reply to ClearCase Command text in Backticks is ignored

Are you sure $stream is set to what you think it is?

If you don't need to capture output and just want it to go to stdout, use system(@array):

# Not sure if you are trying to pass literal '\t','\n' or tab and newl +ine characters...assuming tab and newline system(cleartool => 'lsco', '-r', '-brt', $stream, '-fmt', "%En\t%u\n" +);

If you want to capture stdout, open a file handle to the command:

open(my $fh, "-|", cleartool => 'lsco', '-r', '-brt', $stream, '-fmt', "%En\t%u\n") or +die "Err: $!"; while (<$fh>) { print "OUTPUT: $_"; } close $fh or die "Error: $!";