#! perl -slw use strict; use Time::HiRes qw[ time ]; use threads; use threads::shared; my @buffers; sub thread { my $tid = threads->tid; print "[$tid] starting"; my $bufRef = shift; open my $fh, '<', $bufRef; while( <$fh> ) { ## next if ... ## add pre-filter criteria here is applicable my @f = split "\t", $_; ## do something with the data } print "[$tid] ending"; } our $N //= 199; our $T //= 4; my $start = time; my @threads; for( 0 .. $N-1 ) { ## glob '*.tsv or whatever my $bufRef = \$buffers[ $_ % $T ]; { local( @ARGV, $/ ) = 'numbers.tsv'; $$bufRef = <>; } push @threads, async( \&thread, $bufRef ); while( @threads >= $T ) { sleep 1 until threads->list( threads::joinable ); for( reverse 0 .. $#threads ) { next unless $threads[ $_ ]->is_joinable; $threads[ $_ ]->join; splice @threads, $_, 1; } } } $_->join for @threads; printf "Took %f seconds\n", time() - $start; __END__ C:\test>1036737-3 -T=1 -N=8 [1] starting [1] ending [2] starting [2] ending [3] starting [3] ending [4] starting [4] ending [5] starting [5] ending [6] starting [6] ending [7] starting [7] ending [8] starting [8] ending Took 160.641885 seconds C:\test>1036737-3 -T=4 -N=8 [1] starting [2] starting [3] starting [4] starting [2] ending [1] ending [5] starting [4] ending [3] ending [6] starting [7] starting [8] starting [5] ending [6] ending [7] ending [8] ending Took 39.710515 seconds