in reply to Please help me with hash

Hi m_alper_yildiz. You are missing a semi-colon on this line: print @array[1..3]                #DIZININ 1. ELEMANINDAN 3. ELEMANINA KADARINI YAZAR

If you add a semi-colon, your script works: print @array[1..3];

FYI: It initially gave me a syntax error on the line of the hash. When debugging, if you don't see a problem on the line specified in the error, always check out the previous line of code and make sure you've ended it w/ a semi-colon. It's such as easy mistake to make.


Off Topic-ish: If you get tired of typing \n when printing, you can you say like this:

use feature 'say'; print "Print requires a new line character.\n"; say "Say doesn't require one.";