domje has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hello again, Monks!

My apologies in advance for being tangential. I've had too much coffee and not enough working code today!

So I finally stepped up to a framework and decided to do Catalyst for a project I'm currently working on. It's been pretty sweet thus far, really liking it. Although it seems to be lacking in popularity...Sidebar: is Dancer the thing? I know frameworks in PHP seem to be all-the-rage right now but I grew up on perl and don't really want to let it go, you know? I feel like the whole Ruby on Rails thing kind of blew over and I'd hate to just jump on a fad framework :p

But I digress.

My question is in setting up Handel. I followed along with the tutorial and built up a bare framework with nothing else in it but Handel. After hours of head scratching I figured out that the misbehavior was in how the helper script sets up the controllers. Specifically what should be "index" page (i.e. mywebsite/cart) is written as:

sub default : Local { ... }

When that URL is hit though you get the Root controllers default method saying page not found. If the first line is rewritten as:

sub index :Path :Args(0) { ... }

it seems to function just fine.

My question is: have I overlooked something? Did something change in Catalyst since the helpers were written that has caused this behavior? More curiosity now that I've goten it "working" than anything else.

And again, what's up with the scarce tutorials and such? Is Catalyst a dying framework???

Thanks, yall! --dom