Recently I added a feature for our forum at
The forum is threaded like perlmonks.
It stores on the server which articles are already read, and those are automatically collapsed with javascript, so that one has a better overview and only sees the new articles.
However, in long discussions, when there are a lot of new articles, you still can lose track.

So I added a mini thread navigation with javascript. Its position is fixed and it can be closed in case it overlaps other elements.
You can click on an author, and it will automatically scroll to the selected article.
When a scroll event happens, the currently visible articles in the window are marked in the mini navigation with a grey bar.

I now wrote a perlmonks version of it which you can use by activating the js file (and jquery-2.x.*) and the css file in your browser (user js/css, greasemonkey, ...).
You can download the files here:
Comments, bug reports? Do you find it useful?

Edit: todo: add configurable shortcut for toggling navi; remember status of navi with localStorage