in reply to Perl DBI can't display Chinese text?

What platform are you running this on? DBD::ODBC only builds by default using the ODBC Unicode API on Windows. On UNIX you need to add the -u switch to Makefile.PL. What ODBC driver are you using? (as not all of them support unicode). Whilst you are at it show us your DBI and DBD::ODBC versions - you can do that with:

perl -MDBI -le "print $DBI::VERSION" perl -MDBD::ODBC -le "print $DBD::ODBC::VERSION"

Are you sure the column containing chinese text is known to SQL Server as Chinese - normally data like this goes into nvarchar columns. Even if DBD::ODBC is built using the unicode API, the ODBC driver needs to tell DBD::ODBC the column is of type SQL_WCHAR - we will only see that if you provide a trace.

Assuming you have a recent DBI and DBD::ODBC you can produce a trace like this:

# on windows set DBI_TRACE=DBD=x.log run your perl program here # on unix export DBI_TRACE=DBD=x.log run your perl program here

The logging will end up in the file x.log. If that does not produce any logging then your DBI and/or DBD::ODBC are too old so replace the "DBD" above with "15" (you'll get a lot more logging, most of which is not required).