Cstracker is a new Perl tool for Csound users. The installation does not require heavy Perl module installation, except for some Tk modules that could require Cpan installation. I took my inspiration from Opcode's Vision, a software I used in the nineties. Of course notes cannot be arranged by frequencies, or displayed on music staves, because Csound parameter design doesn't allow such generalization. However, notes are presented graphically by section, then by instrument, on canvas showing their relative position in time. Once clicked, each note pops up a parameter window where it can then be modified, muted or deleted. Each note can be given a name and color different than the default ones. New notes can be created by right-clicking on free position in the canvas.

When all the modifications are made, the resulting score can replace the original CSD or not. Tracker data will be saved into the score by short tags put at the end of the line (a comment following any other user-comment). Cstracker launches Csound to play its output. Here Windows user may have to check the terminal sequence, as it has not been tested yet on this platform. Cstracker is fast and faster than editing a score line by line.

In the future, a selection of notes shall be also modifiable in one shot by name, color, position in time, and even quantized. I'd be delighted if anyone proposed to contribute to these improvements (summarized now in inactive options of the track submenu) or to any other aspect of this script.

At present Cstracker seems to respect most of the CSD files it is given to treat. A shortcoming I've met, concerns commented lines that appear within the score, if they are commented i-statements they are processed as muted notes correctly but if they only contain comments inserted here and there, then they are pushed at the end of the section's score. Another weakness: Cstracker doesn't create a CSD file from scratch, one has to start with an existing score because the software doesn't treat orchestra code at all.

Cstracker exists as a standalone and as a Perl module in Csgrouper that can - under certain precautions - extend existing Perl code for Csound music.

The standalone can be downloaded on Github:

Thank you to notify any case where Csound statements aren't treated correctly or other bug.

message cross-posted on the Csound mailing list, and

  • Comment on Cstracker: a graphic window for Csound unified format files