in reply to Re: Need help with filling a complicated data structure
in thread Need help with filling a complicated data structure

Thanks hdb for trying to help, however, I can't see how to add your solves to the following.

sub story { my ($source, $doc_magic, $line_magic) = @_; my $inc = 0; my @sections; my @toc; while (my $line = <$source>) { chomp($line); next if !$line; if ($line =~ /^2/) { my ($number,$text) = split(/ /,$line,2); push @toc, anchor(textify($text), { href => '#'.idify($text) }); $inc++; } push @{$sections[$inc]}, $line; } my $tab = 3; $inc = 0; for my $section (@sections) { if ($section) { section($tab, sub { $tab++; for my $line (@{$section}) { my $line = convert_string($line, $line_magic); line($tab, $line), next if $line =~ /^</; line($tab, "<$line>"), next if $line =~ /^[bh]r$/; $doc_magic->{$1}->(), next if $line =~ /^&\s+(.*)/; blockquote($tab, $1), next if $line =~ /^bq\s(.*)/; item($tab + 1, $1), next if $line =~ /^\*\s(.*)/; item($tab + 1, $2, { value => $1 }), next if $line =~ /^\*(\ +d+)\s(.*)/; item($tab + 1, "<strong>$1</strong> $2"), next if $line =~ / +^\*s\s(.+\:)\s(.*)$/; row($tab + 1, $1, row_line($2)), next if $line =~ /^\|\s(.+) +\s\|\|(.+)$/; heading($tab, $1, $2, { id => idify($2) }), next if $line + =~ /^([1-6])\s+(.*)/; paragraph($tab, $line, { class => 'author' }), next if $line + =~ /^by /; paragraph($tab, $line); } $tab--; }); } if ($inc == 0 && @toc > 3) { section($tab, sub { my $class = @toc > 25 ? @toc > 50 ? 'four' : 'three' : 'two'; my $style = @toc > 50 ? 'font-size:smaller' : undef; list($tab + 1, 'u', \@toc, { class => $class, style => $style +}); }, { class => 'contents'} ); } $inc++; } # paragraph($tab,"written by $root_user", { class => 'author' }); }

The lists will more than likely always be mixed in with other things like:

__DATA__ 2 This is a heading. by An Author This is just an opening paragraph, probably about the list. * list 1 unordered item 1 * list 1 unordered item 2 *# list 1 unordered item 2 ordered item 1 *# list 1 unordered item 2 ordered item 2 *# list 1 unordered item 2 ordered item 3 * list 1 unordered item 3 ** list 1 unordered item unordered item 1 ** list 1 unordered item unordered item 2 ** list 1 unordered item unordered item 3 **# list 1 unordered item unordered item 3 ordered item 1 **# list 1 unordered item unordered item 3 ordered item 2 **# list 1 unordered item unordered item 3 ordered item 3 * list 1 unordered item 4 hr This is another paragraph about the list below it. # list 2 ordered item 1 #3 list 2 ordered item 2 # list 2 ordered item 3 #* list 2 ordered item 3 unordered item 1 #* list 2 ordered item 3 unordered item 2 #* list 2 ordered item 3 unordered item 3 # list 2 ordered item 4 bq This is a quote by Quote Author Any maybe some final remarks. & a little magic

(I'm having a bad weekend all around, nothing is sinking in.)

No matter how hysterical I get, my problems are not time sensitive. So, relax, have a cookie, and a very nice day!
Lady Aleena

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re^3: Need help with filling a complicated data structure
by hdb (Monsignor) on Nov 18, 2013 at 08:09 UTC

    Similar to ig's proposal below, I would collect the lines belonging to a list and then call a sub that processes the lines of the list.

    ... $tab++; my @list; for my $line (@{$section}) { my $line = convert_string($line, $line_magic); if( $line =~ /^[*#]+ / ) { push @list, $line; next; } else { process_list( @list ) if @list; @list = (); } line($tab, $line), next if $line =~ /^</; ...