Hello, everyone.

Please permit my incorrect or poor english.

I saw many Indicator Applet for Ubuntu Unity. Almost all Applet-s are made by Python. I do not see Applet by perl, yet. So, i made Indicator Applet by Gtk2-perl of Launcher.

These are a program and a need file. Please refer for details:

#! /usr/bin/perl # # Copyright 2014 toskanosu (2014.04.23-05.01 as /usr/local +/bin/run-perl) # (This is a perl Indicator Applet) (ubuntu Unity libappindicator) # # AUTO menu update is not implemented for Run_Any_File modified, but m +anualy. # use strict; use warnings; use Gtk2 '-init'; use Glib qw/TRUE FALSE/; use English; use utf8; use Encode; use Cwd; use Gtk2::AppIndicator; # libgtk2-appindicator-perl installed by Synap +tic my $HOME=$ENV{"HOME"}; my $USER=$ENV{"USER"}; my $Run_Any_File = $HOME."/.run-any"; # you can change contents in thi +s file. my $Myself_Icon="/usr/share/ubuntu-tweak/pixmaps/emblem-ohno.png"; # y +ou can change as you like. my $White = Gtk2::Gdk::Color->new (0xFFFF,0xFFFF,0xFFFF); my $Red = Gtk2::Gdk::Color->new (0xFFFF,0,0); my (@Head,@Body,@Kind,$AppIndicator,$ImageMenuItem); sub Trim { my $v = shift; $v =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/; return $v; } sub Left { return substr($ARG[0],0,$ARG[1]); } sub IsIt { return index($ARG[0],$ARG[1]) > -1 } sub Make_About { my $AboutDialog=Gtk2::AboutDialog->new; $AboutDialog->set_program_name('run-perl'); $AboutDialog->set_comments("Indicator Applet made by perl.\n". "Menu Launcher mde by toskanosu."); $AboutDialog->set_website(''); $AboutDialog->signal_connect(response => sub { $AboutDialog->destr +oy }); $AboutDialog->show_all; } sub Get_Kind { my $Body=shift; return(0) if $Body eq ''; my @Line1=split(/\./,$Body); my $Ex=lc($Line1[$#Line1]); my @Line2=split(/ /,$Body); if ($Ex eq 'exe') { return 1 } # sh elsif($Ex eq 'pl') { return 2 } # perl elsif($Ex eq 'rb') { return 8 } # ruby elsif($Ex eq 'py') { return 3 } # python elsif($Ex eq 'sh') { return 4 } # sh elsif(Left($Body,4) eq 'http' || Left($Body,5) eq 'file:') { return 5 } # http or file +: elsif(IsIt($Body,'/') && $#Line2 == 0) { return 6 } # dir else { return 7 } # sh command } sub MenuItem_Clicked { my $Kind=$Kind[$ARG[1]]; return(TRUE) if $Kind == 0; my $Body=$Body[$ARG[1]]; if ($Kind == 2) { system("/usr/bin/perl ".$Body) } elsif($Kind == 8) { system("/usr/bin/ruby ".$Body) } elsif($Kind == 3) { system("/usr/bin/python ".$Body) } elsif($Kind == 5) { system("/usr/bin/xdg-open ".$Body) } elsif($Kind == 6) { system("/usr/bin/nautilus ".$Body) } else { system("/bin/sh -c '".$Body."'") } # 1, 4, 7 FALSE; } sub Set_Image { my $ImageMenuItem=shift; my $Stock_ID=shift; my $Image=Gtk2::Image->new; $Image->set_from_icon_name($Stock_ID,'menu'); # Get icon only! $ImageMenuItem->set_image($Image); $ImageMenuItem->set_always_show_image(TRUE); # Required! } sub Set_Icon { my $Menu=shift; my $Inx=shift; my $Stock_ID=shift; my $ImageMenuItem=Gtk2::ImageMenuItem->new($Head[$Inx]); Set_Image($ImageMenuItem,$Stock_ID); $ImageMenuItem->signal_connect("activate"=> \&MenuItem_Clicked, $I +nx ); $Menu->append($ImageMenuItem); } sub Set_My_Icon { my $Title=shift; my $Stock_ID=shift; $ImageMenuItem=Gtk2::ImageMenuItem->new($Title); my $Image=Gtk2::Image->new_from_stock($Stock_ID,'menu'); # Get ico +n and title $ImageMenuItem->set_image($Image); $ImageMenuItem->set_always_show_image(TRUE); } sub Make_Menu { @Head=(); @Body=(); @Kind=(); # Initialize my $Menu=Gtk2::Menu->new; $AppIndicator->set_menu($Menu); open(File, $Run_Any_File) || die "no file: ".$Run_Any_File; while(<File>) { chomp($ARG); next if Left($ARG,1) eq '#'; # comment next if $ARG eq ''; my @Line=split(/\|/,$ARG); my $Head=Trim($Line[0]); my $Body=$#Line >= 1 ? Trim($Line[1]) : ""; $Body =~ s/\{HOME\}/$HOME/; $Body =~ s/\{USER\}/$USER/; push(@Head,decode_utf8($Head)); push(@Body,$Body); push(@Kind, +Get_Kind($Body)); } close(File); if($#Head > -1) { for (0..$#Head) { if ($Kind[$ARG] == 1) { Set_Icon($Menu,$ARG,'application +-x-executable') } # exe elsif($Kind[$ARG] == 8) { Set_Icon($Menu,$ARG,'application +-x-ruby') } # ruby elsif($Kind[$ARG] == 2) { Set_Icon($Menu,$ARG,'application +-x-perl') } # perl elsif($Kind[$ARG] == 3) { Set_Icon($Menu,$ARG,'text-x-pyth +on') } # python elsif($Kind[$ARG] == 4) { Set_Icon($Menu,$ARG,'application +-x-executable') } # sh elsif($Kind[$ARG] == 5) { Set_Icon($Menu,$ARG,'text-html') + } # http elsif($Kind[$ARG] == 6) { #nautilus if ($Body[$ARG] eq $HOME) { Set_Icon($Menu, +$ARG,'gtk-home') } elsif($Body[$ARG] eq 'computer:///') { Set_Icon($Menu, +$ARG,'computer') } elsif($Body[$ARG] eq 'network:///') { Set_Icon($Menu, +$ARG,'folder-remote') } elsif($Body[$ARG] eq 'trash:///') { Set_Icon($Menu, +$ARG,'user-trash') } else { Set_Icon($Menu, +$ARG,'gtk-directory') } } elsif($Kind[$ARG] == 7) { Set_Icon($Menu,$ARG,'application +-x-executable') } # sh command elsif($Head[$ARG] eq '--TEAROFF--') { $Menu->append(Gtk2::TearoffMenuItem->new); # --------- } elsif($Head[$ARG] eq '--SEPARATOR--') { $Menu->append(Gtk2::SeparatorMenuItem->new); } else { # comment my $MenuItem=Gtk2::MenuItem->new($Head[$ARG]); $Menu-> +append($MenuItem); } } } $Menu->append(Gtk2::SeparatorMenuItem->new); # --------- Set_My_Icon('Refresh','gtk-refresh'); $ImageMenuItem->signal_connect("activate"=> \&Make_Menu); $Menu->append($ImageMenuItem); Set_My_Icon('About','gtk-about'); $ImageMenuItem->signal_connect("activate"=> \&Make_About); $Menu->append($ImageMenuItem); Set_My_Icon('Quit','gtk-quit'); $ImageMenuItem->signal_connect("activate",sub { Gtk2->main_quit; } +); $Menu->append($ImageMenuItem); $Menu->show_all(); } $AppIndicator=Gtk2::AppIndicator->new("Perl_AppIndicator",$Myself_Icon +); $AppIndicator->set_icon_theme_path(getcwd()); Make_Menu(); $AppIndicator->set_active(); Gtk2->main; TRUE; __END__

The following file includes a japanese kanji. Sorry.

# # 1st column # is a comment line. # This file is UTF-8 coding for Linux. # Spec by toskanosu. # This file is made in ~/.run-any # PATH end by ".pl" ==> start by perl # PATH end by ".py" ==> start by python # PATH end by ".sh" ==> start by sh (without STDIN) # PATH end by ".exe" ==> start by sh (for wine) # PATH start by "http" ==> start by xdg-open (URI) # no PATH ==> menu displayed (comment) # --SEPARATOR-- ==> Gtk2 separator (-------) # PATH without slash ==> start by sh (without STDIN) # PATH include space ==> start by sh (without STDIN) # else ==> start by xdg-open (folder) # # {HOME} is changed to ~ # {USER} is changed to your user name # # ---LABEL---- | ---PATH------ --------------- important --------------- &#9632; Paster | {HOME}/perlsrc1/ Run GetTV (runner2) | {HOME}/perlsrc1/ GetRSS &#12288;&#12288; | {HOME}/perlsrc1/ GetTV 1-day &#12288;&#12288; | perl {HOME}/perlsrc1/gettv.p +l 0 Run-Show &#12288; | {HOME}/perlsrc1/ geany ~/.run-any | geany {HOME}/.run-any geany ~/MenuItem.linux | geany {HOME}/MenuItem.linux --------------- Folder --------------- &#12467;&#12531;&#12500;&#12517;&#12540;&#12479;&#12540;&#12288; + | computer:/// perlsrc1 | {HOME}/perlsrc1 pysrc | {HOME}/pysrc Toshi-HP | {HOME}/toshi_hp Free Icon | {HOME}/Hozon1/free-png ubuntu tweak png | /usr/share/ubuntu-tweak/pixmaps --SEPARATOR-- --------------- exec --------------- K-&#23558;&#26827; | wine /media/toshiaki/C-500GB +/K-Shogi/K-Shogi.exe Win&#29992;DLL&#31561; | winetricks XPad | xpad nautilus restart | nautilus -q world watch | gnome-clocks --TEAROFF-- -------------- install-------------- Ubuntu Software Center | software-center Synaptic Package Manager | synaptic-pkexec --------------- setup --------------- Set StartUp | gnome-session-properties ubuntu-tweak | ubuntu-tweak gnome-tweak-tool | gnome-tweak-tool unity-tweak-tool | unity-tweak-tool unsettings | unsettings CompizConfig | ccsm #EOF----------------------------------