So Ovid made this blog post that gave an example of editing Perl in Vim -- when you move your cursor over a Perl variable it is highlighted in the rest of the document automatically. Quite handy.

Paul Johnson then made some improvements and put the code in a Git repo so that it's very easy to install with Pathogen in Vim

After cloning that repo into your Pathogen bundle directory, it pretty much just works as advertised. For some reason it does not work with Tim Popes "vim-sensible" plugin however.

The highlighting is delayed until you haven't moved your cursor for the number of milliseconds set in the Vim "updatetime" variable. By default this is set to 4000 which is pretty slow. Doing "set ut=50" in your vimrc makes it much snappier.


P.S. Anyone have an updated syntax file for 5.20.0 sub-signatures and other new features?