in reply to perlbrew is broken

Please provide the output of the following commands:
echo "$shell" echo "$SHELL" /usr/bin/perl -le'print for grep /perl/, split /:/, $ENV{PATH}' which perl which perlbrew echo "$PERLBREW_ROOT" /usr/bin/perl -le'local $/; $_ = <>; print substr($_, 0, 500);' \ "${PERLBREW_ROOT:-$HOME/perl5/perlbrew}/bin/perlbrew"

(The last command assumes bash or something similar. Adjust as needed.)

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Re^2: perlbrew is broken
by Anonymous Monk on Jul 30, 2014 at 17:00 UTC

    Thx for your reply ikegami,

    I have since restored my original xubuntu 13.10 from backups -- I was getting a little bit desperate. The restored perlbrew installation is working now.

    This is not much of a solution, though, as I need to upgrade my xubuntu to 14.04.

    I think I need to backup my perlbrew install independent of my general backup. And then install the perlbrew modules separately in another system. I was reading some literature regarding that. But I'd definitely appreciate your input on that. I am beginning to feel that I am out of my depths here.

    I still would like to understand how the upgrade broke the perlbrew install. So I will try to re-create the problem as soon as I can get perlbrew installed properly in an upgraded xubuntu.

      As others have said, the simplest thing would've been to re-install Perlbrew. It takes a couple seconds to install and you don't need admin privs. After your re-update, please just re-install Perlbrew if you run into problems again. (Of course, re-installing another version of Perl will take longer, but certainly not as long as upgrading your system, reverting, and then re-upgrading.)