in reply to Turn JavaScript off on HomeNodes

That will not adequately strip javascript.

Slashdot|MS Security: On A Path As Clear As It Is Reliable pointed me to Expert hacks Hotmail in 1 line of code which in turn pointed me here, which reveals that STYLE tags in netscape will execute the stuff enclosed in style tags as javascript, if the TYPE attribute of the style tag is "application/x-javascript".

Your code: 56: $str=~s/<script[^>]*>.*?<\/script[^>]*>//igs if $$USER{jsoff};

My addition (you're welcome to improve):

#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my $string = q|<STYLE TYPE="application/x-javascript" Language='Englis +h' TYPE="application/x-javascript">|; printf "%s\n", $string; $string =~ s¡<STYLE\s([^>]*)>¡ { my $trt = $1; # $trt =~ s!type=\S+?(\s|"|')!TYPE="text/css"!igs; $trt =~ s!type=\S+?[ '"]!TYPE="text/css"!igs; qq(<STYLE $trt>) }¡eigsx; printf "%s\n", $string;
Also evil are object, applet and embed tags (i'm sure there are others).

update: a slightly smarter version

#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my $string = q|<STYLE TYPE="application/x-javascript" Language='Englis +h' TYPE="application/x-javascript">|; printf "%s\n", $string; $string =~ s¡<STYLE\s([^>]*>)¡ { my $trt = $1; # $trt =~ s!type=\S+?(\s|"|')!TYPE="text/css"!igs; $trt =~ s!type=\S+?[ '">]!TYPE="text/css"!igs; $trt .= '>' if substr($trt,-1,1) ne '>'; qq(<STYLE $trt) }¡eigsx; printf "%s\n", $string;
update: OeufMayo says in the cb, what about: <a href="#" onClick="alert('evil javascript here');">

Well I thought htmlScreen would take care of it, but you do override the filter

$str.=htmlcode('parselinks','doctext,override'); ... in parselinks ... $text=htmlScreen($text,$APPROVED) unless $overridefilter eq "override" +;

Disclaimer: Don't blame. It came from inside the void

perl -e "$q=$_;map({chr unpack qq;H*;,$_}split(q;;,q*H*));print;$q/$q;"