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RFC: Net::SNTP::Client v1

by thanos1983 (Parson)
on Jun 30, 2015 at 16:45 UTC ( [id://1132639]=perlmeditation: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Hello Everyone,

About a year ago I started with the idea of creating a Perl module based on Net::NTP. The module that I am thinking to create would be named (Net::SNTP::Client). The difference between those two is the precision, from my point of view the Net::NTP module does not get correct millisecond/nanosecond precision. The module is based on RFC4330, where according to the RFC different precision will achieved on LinuxOS and WindowsOS.

In theory the module should be compatible with all OS (WindowsOS, LinuxOS and MacOS) please verify that with me since I only have LinuxOS.

I am planning to create also another module Net::SNTP::Server which is approximately an SNTP server and when I say approximately is because I can not figure it out how to replicate the server side. But any way first thing first.

Is it possible to take a look and assist me in possible improvements and comments. Since this is my first module I have no experience so maybe the module is not well written.

The execution of the script is very simple, create a script e.g. and put the code bellow.

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; #path to the location of the module use lib '/home/username/Desktop/SNTP_Module/'; # note here use Net::SNTP::Client; =netNTP use Net::NTP; my %response = get_ntp_response(""); print Dumper \%response; =cut my %hashInput = ( -hostname => "", -port => 123, -RFC4330 => 1, -clearScreen => 1, ); my ($error, $hashOutput) = getSNTPTime( %hashInput ); print Dumper $hashOutput; print "Error: $error\n" if ($error);

I have inserted four options:

-hostname => NTP Hostname or NTP IP -port => 123 Default or Users choice e.g. 5000 -RFC4330 => 1 -clearScreen => 1

The first option is to get an RFC4330 printout way, and the second option is to clear the screen before the printout. I think both options will be useful on the printout of the script.

I have chosen to paste the module in the folder path "/home/username/Desktop/SNTP_Module/Net/SNTP/". Remember for testing purposes to change the path on accordingly on the location that you will place the module.

Update 1: Removing (EXPORT_OK, EXPORT_TAGS, shebang line) based on toolic comments.

Update 2: Removing $frac2bin unused sub.

Update 3: Adding some checks on the input of getSNTPTime sub

Update 4: Adding Plain Old Documentation format and updating code based on Monk::Thomas comments.

Update 5: Updating code based on Monk::Thomas new comments.

Update 6: Updating code, with new updated Plain Old Documentation.

package Net::SNTP::Client; =head1 NAME Net::SNTP::Client - Perl module to retrieve higher accuracy from NTP s +erver =head1 SYNOPSIS use Net::SNTP::Client; my %hashInput = ( -hostname => "", # hostnmae or IP -port => 123, # default NTP port 123 -RFC4330 => 1, -clearScreen => 1, ); my ( $error , $hashRefOutput ) = getSNTPTime( %hashInput ); =head1 ABSTRACT The module sends a UDP packet formated according to L<RFC4330|https://> to a defined NTP server set by the user. + The received packet, gets decoded to a human readable form and also +calculated the roundtrip delay d and system clock offset t, based on +the decoded data. =head1 DESCRIPTION This module exports a single method (getSNTPTime) and returns an assoc +iative hash of hashes upon RFC4330 and a string in case of an error o +ccurs. The response from the NTP or SNTP server is beeen decoded to a + human readable format. The obtained information recieved from the se +rver can be can be used into further processing or manipulation accor +ding to the user needs. Maximum accuracy down to nano seconds can onl +y be achieved on LinuxOS. =head2 EXPORT my %hashInput = ( -hostname => "", # hostnmae or IP -port => 123, # default NTP port 123 -RFC4330 => 1, -clearScreen => 1, ); my ( $error , $hashRefOutput ) = getSNTPTime( %hashInput ); This module exports a single method - getSNTPTime and an error string +in case of an error or a faulty operation. It expects a hash as an in +put. The input can have four different hash keys => values (-hostname +, port, RFC4330 and -clearScreen). -hostname: The mandatory key inorder the method to produce an output i +s only the hostname, the rest of the keys are optional. -port: By default the the port is set to 123 (NTP default port). The u +ser has the option to overwite the port based on his preference (e.g. + -port => 123456). -RFC4330: This is an optional way to produce an easy visuable output b +ased on RFC4330 documentation. -clearScreen: This is an optional choice based on user preference if h +e/she desires to clear the "terminal screen" before printing the capt +ured data. =cut use strict; use warnings; ## Validate the version of Perl BEGIN { die 'Perl version 5.6.0 or greater is required' if ($] < 5.006); } ## Version of the Net::SNTP::Client module our $VERSION = '0.01'; $VERSION = eval $VERSION; ## Load our modules use IO::Socket::INET; use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday ); ## Handle importing/exporting of symbols use base qw( Exporter ); our @ISA = qw ( Exporter ); our @EXPORT = qw ( getSNTPTime ); ## Define constands use constant { TRUE => 1, FALSE => 0, MAXBYTES => 512, ARGUMENTS => 1, UNIX_EPOCH => 2208988800, MIN_UDP_PORT => 1, MAX_UDP_PORT => 65535, DEFAULT_NTP_PORT => 123, }; sub getSNTPTime { my $unpack_ip = sub { my $ip; my $stratum = shift; my $tmp_ip = shift; if($stratum < 2){ $ip = unpack("A4", pack("H8", $tmp_ip) ); }else{ $ip = sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d", unpack("C4", pack("H8", $tmp_ip) ) ); } return $ip; }; my $bin_2_frac = sub { my @bin = split '', shift; my $frac = 0; while (@bin) { $frac = ( $frac + pop @bin ) / 2; } return $frac; }; my $bin_2_dec = sub { my $bits = shift; my $size = shift; my $template = shift; return unpack($template, pack("B$size", substr("0" x $size . $bits + , -$size))); }; my $checkHashKeys = sub { my @keysToCompare = ( "-hostname", "-port", "-RFC4330", "-clearScr +een" ); my %hashInputToCompare = @_; my @hashInputKeysToCompare = keys %hashInputToCompare; my @differendKeys = keyDifference(\@hashInputKeysToCompare, \@keys +ToCompare); if (@differendKeys) { return TRUE } else { return FALSE }; sub keyDifference { my %hashdiff = map{ $_ => 1 } @{$_[1]}; return grep { !defined $hashdiff{$_} } @{$_[0]}; } }; my $verify_port = sub { my $port = shift; if ( defined $port && $port =~ /^[+-]?(?=\.?\d)\d*\.?\d*(?:e[+-]?\ +d+)?\z/i ) { if ( $port <= MIN_UDP_PORT || $port >= MAX_UDP_PORT ) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }; my $dot = "."; my $error = undef; my $rcvSntpPacket = undef; my %moduleInput = @_; my %moduleOutput = (); return ($error = "Not defined key(s)", \%moduleInput) if ($checkHa +shKeys->(%moduleInput)); return ($error = "Not defined Hostname", \%moduleInput) if (!$modu +leInput{-hostname}); return ($error = "Not correct port number", \%moduleInput) if ($ve +rify_port->($moduleInput{-port})); my $client_socket; eval { $client_socket = new IO::Socket::INET ( PeerHost => $moduleInput{-hostname}, Type => SOCK_DGRAM, PeerPort => $moduleInput{-port} || DEFAULT_NTP_PORT, # Default + NTP port 123 Proto => 'udp' ) or die "Error Creating Socket"; }; return ($error = "Problem While Creating Socket '$!'", \%moduleInp +ut) if ( $@ && $@ =~ /Error Creating Socket/ ); my $clientLi = 0; my $clientVn = 4; my $clientMode = 3; # $li = 00 2 bit = value 0 no warning # $vn = 100 3 bit = Value 4 IPV4 # $mode = 011 3 bit = Value 3 client mode my $clientLiVnMode = '00100011'; # 8 bit my $clientStratum = '0'; # 8 bit my $clientPoll = '0'; # 8 bit my $clientPrecision = '0'; # 8 bit my $clientRootDelay = '0'; # 32 bit my $clientDispersion = '0'; # 32 bit my $clientReferenceIdentifier = '0'; # 32 bit my $clientReferenceTimestampSec = '0'; # 32 bit my $clientReferenceTimestampMicrosec = '0'; # 32 bit my $clientOriginateTimestampSec = '0'; # 32 bit my $clientOriginateTimestampMicrosec = '0'; # 32 bit my $clientReceiveTimestampSec = '0'; # 32 bit my $clientReceiveTimestampMicrosec = '0'; # 32 bit my ($clientTransmitSec , $clientTransmitMicrosec) = gettimeofday() +; my $clientTransmitTimestamp = $clientTransmitSec . $dot . $clientT +ransmitMicrosec; my @arraySendSntpPacket = ( $clientLiVnMode , $clientStratum , $cl +ientPoll , $clientPrecision , $clientRootDelay , $clientDispersion , +$clientReferenceIdentifier , $clientReferenceTimestampSec , $clientRe +ferenceTimestampMicrosec , $clientOriginateTimestampSec , $clientOrig +inateTimestampMicrosec , $clientReceiveTimestampSec , $clientReceiveT +imestampMicrosec , $clientTransmitSec , $clientTransmitMicrosec ); my $sendSntpPacket = pack "B8 C3 N11", @arraySendSntpPacket; eval { $client_socket->send( $sendSntpPacket ) or die "Error Sending"; }; return ($error = "Problem While Sending '$!'", \%moduleInput) if ( + $@ && $@ =~ /Error Sending/ ); eval { $client_socket->recv( $rcvSntpPacket , MAXBYTES ) or die "Error Receiving"; }; return ($error = "Problem While Receiving '$!'", \%moduleInput) if + ( $@ && $@ =~ /Error Receiving/ ); ($clientReceiveTimestampSec , $clientReceiveTimestampMicrosec) = g +ettimeofday(); my $clientReceiveTimestamp = $clientReceiveTimestampSec . $dot . $ +clientReceiveTimestampMicrosec; eval { $client_socket->close() or die "Error Closing Socket"; }; return ($error = "Problem While Clossing Socket '$!'", \%moduleInp +ut) if ( $@ && $@ =~ /Error Closing Socket/ ); my @arrayRcvSntpPacket = unpack("B8 C3 n B16 n B16 H8 N8" , $rcvSn +tpPacket); my ( $serverLiVnMode , $serverStratum , $serverPollInterval , $ser +verPrecision , $serverRootDelaySec , $serverRootDelayMicrosec , $serv +erDispersionSec, $serverDispersionMicrosec , $serverReferenceIdentifi +erBinary , $serverReferenceTimestampSec , $serverReferenceTimestampMi +crosec , $serverOriginateTimestampSec , $serverOriginateTimestampMicr +osec , $serverReceiveTimestampSec , $serverReceiveTimestampMicrosec , + $serverTransmitTimestampSec , $serverTransmitTimestampMicrosec ) = @ +arrayRcvSntpPacket; my $serverLiBinary = substr( $serverLiVnMode , 0 , 2 ); my $serverLi = $bin_2_dec->( $serverLiBinary , 8 , "c" ); my $serverVnBinary = substr( $serverLiVnMode , 2 , 3 ); my $serverVn = $bin_2_dec->( $serverVnBinary , 8 , "c" ); my $serverModeBinary = substr( $serverLiVnMode , 5 , 3 ); my $serverMode = $bin_2_dec->( $serverModeBinary , 8 , "c" ); my $serverPoll = (sprintf("%0.1d", $serverPollInterval)); if ($serverPrecision < 127) { $serverPrecision = 0; } else { $serverPrecision = $serverPrecision - 255; } my $serverRootDelay = ($bin_2_frac -> ($serverRootDelayMicrosec)); my $serverDispersionSeconds = sprintf("%0.10f", $serverDispersionS +ec); $serverDispersionSeconds =~ s/\..*$//; my $serverDispersionFinalSeconds = $bin_2_frac->($serverDispersion +Seconds); my $serverDispersionMicroSeconds = sprintf("%0.10f", $serverDisper +sionMicrosec); $serverDispersionMicroSeconds =~ s/\..*$//; my $serverDispersionFinalMicroSeconds = $bin_2_frac->($serverDispe +rsionMicroSeconds); my $serverReferenceIdentifier = $unpack_ip->($serverStratum, $serv +erReferenceIdentifierBinary); $serverReferenceTimestampSec -= UNIX_EPOCH; my $serverReferenceTimestamp = $serverReferenceTimestampSec . $dot + . $serverReferenceTimestampMicrosec; my $serverOriginateTimestamp = $serverOriginateTimestampSec . $dot + . $serverOriginateTimestampMicrosec; $serverReceiveTimestampSec -= UNIX_EPOCH; my $serverReceiveTimestamp = $serverReceiveTimestampSec . $dot . $ +serverReceiveTimestampMicrosec; $serverTransmitTimestampSec -= UNIX_EPOCH; my $serverTransmitTimestamp = $serverTransmitTimestampSec . $dot . + $serverTransmitTimestampMicrosec; my $d = ( ( $clientReceiveTimestamp - $clientTransmitTimestamp ) +- ( $serverReceiveTimestamp - $serverTransmitTimestamp ) ); my $t = ( ( ( $serverReceiveTimestamp - $clientTransmitTimestamp +) + ( $serverTransmitTimestamp - $clientReceiveTimestamp ) ) / 2 ); (system $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? 'cls' : 'clear') if ($moduleInput{-clea +rScreen}); if ($moduleInput{-RFC4330}) { $moduleOutput{-RFC4330} = " \t Timestamp Name \t ID \t When Generated \t ------------------------------------------------------------ \t Originate Timestamp \t T1 \t time request sent by client \t Receive Timestamp \t T2 \t time request received by server \t Transmit Timestamp \t T3 \t time reply sent by server \t Destination Timestamp \t T4 \t time reply received by client \t The roundtrip delay d and local clock offset t are defined as \t d = (T4 - T1) - (T2 - T3) \t t = ((T2 - T1) + (T3 - T4)) / 2 \n \t Round Trip delay: ".$d."\n \t Clock offset: ".$t."\n \t Field Name \t\t\t Unicast/Anycast \t\t\t\t Request \t\t Reply \t ------------------------------------------------------------ \t LI \t\t\t ".$clientLi." \t\t\t ".$serverLi." \t VN \t\t\t ".$clientVn." \t\t\t ".$serverVn." \t Mode \t\t\t ".$clientMode." \t\t\t ".$serverMode." \t Stratum \t\t ".$clientStratum." \t\t\t ".$serverStratum." \t Poll \t\t\t ".$clientPoll." \t\t\t ".$serverPollInterval." \t Precision \t\t ".$clientPrecision." \t\t\t ".$serverPrecision." \t Root Delay \t\t ".$clientRootDelay." \t\t\t ".$serverRootDelay." \t Root Dispersion \t ".$clientDispersion." \t\t\t ".$serverDispersion +FinalMicroSeconds." \t Reference Identifier \t ".$clientReferenceIdentifier." \t\t\t ".$se +rverReferenceIdentifier." \t Reference Timestamp \t ".$clientReferenceTimestampSec.$clientRefere +nceTimestampMicrosec." \t\t\t ".$serverReferenceTimestamp." \t Originate Timestamp \t ".$clientOriginateTimestampSec.$clientOrigin +ateTimestampMicrosec." \t\t\t ".$serverOriginateTimestamp." \t Receive Timestamp \t ".$clientReceiveTimestamp." \t ".$serverReceiv +eTimestamp." \t Transmit Timestamp \t ".$clientTransmitTimestamp." \t ".$serverTran +smitTimestamp."\n\n"; } else { %moduleOutput = ( $moduleInput{-hostname} => { "LI" => $serverLi, "VN" => $serverVn, "Mode" => $serverMode, "Stratum" => $serverStratum, "Poll" => $serverPollInterval, "Precision" => $serverPrecision, "Root Delay" => $serverRootDelay, "Root Dispersion" => $serverDispersionFinalMicroSeconds, "Reference Identifier" => $serverReferenceIdentifier, "Reference Timestamp" => $serverReferenceTimestamp, "Originate Timestamp" => $serverOriginateTimestamp, "Receive Timestamp" => $serverReceiveTimestamp, "Transmit Timestamp" => $clientTransmitTimestamp, }, $0 => { "LI" => $clientLi, "VN" => $clientVn, "Mode" => $clientMode, "Stratum" => $clientStratum, "Poll" => $clientPoll, "Precision" => $clientPrecision, "Root Delay" => $clientRootDelay, "Root Dispersion" => $clientDispersion, "Reference Identifier" => $clientReferenceIdentifier, "Reference Timestamp" => $clientReferenceTimestampSec.$client +ReferenceTimestampMicrosec, "Originate Timestamp" => $clientOriginateTimestampSec.$client +OriginateTimestampMicrosec, "Receive Timestamp" => $clientReceiveTimestamp, "Transmit Timestamp" => $serverTransmitTimestamp, }, RFC4330 => { "Round Trip Delay" => $d, "Clock Offset" => $t } ); } return $error, \%moduleOutput; } =head1 BUGS AND SUPPORT This module should be considered beta quality, everything seems to wor +k but it may yet contain critical bugs. If you find any, report it via email (to, please. Feedback and comments are also welcome! =head1 SEE ALSO perl, IO::Socket, Net::NTP, RFC4330 Net::NTP has a similar focus as this module. In my opinion it is less +accurate when it comes to the precission bellow second(s). =head1 AUTHOR Athanasios Garyfalos E<lt>garyfalos@cpan.orgE<gt> =head1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The original concept for this module was based on F<> written by James G. Willmore E<lt>willmorejg@gmail.comE<gt>. Copyright 2004 by James G. Willmore This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify i +t under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2015 Athanasios Garyfalos. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify i +t under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =head1 CHANGE LOG $Log:,v $ Revision 1.0 2015/07/01 22:53:31 Thanos =cut 1;

Thank you for your time and effort reading and replying to my question/review.

Seeking for Perl wisdom...on the process of learning...not there...yet!

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: RFC: Net::SNTP::Client v1
by toolic (Bishop) on Jun 30, 2015 at 17:03 UTC

    Some suggestions:

    • EXPORT_OK and EXPORT_TAGS list undefined functions (func1 func2). My guess is you don't need those.
    • You generally don't need the shebang line in a module (#!/usr/bin/perl).
    • If you plan to upload this to CPAN, you should add POD.
    • You should consider adding some checks on the inputs to your getSNTPTime sub.
    • Typically, all the use lines appear at the top of the file (IO::Socket::INET, etc.).
    • The module contains one named sub and several anonymous subs. It might be easier to maintain and understand if the anonymous subs were refactored out into named subs.

      Hello toolic,

      Thank you for your time and effort reading and reviewing my proposed module. I will read as you suggest the Pod and I will update accordingly. The reason That I am having two use inside the sub is that I am trying to utilize minimum possible RAM memory, since the moment that you call a module it is loaded in the memory (correct?).

      Hmmm I did not even thought about it:

      You should consider adding some checks on the inputs to your getSNTPTime sub.

      Good idea.

      Seeking for Perl wisdom...on the process of learning...not there...yet!
        The reason That I am having two use inside the sub is that I am trying to utilize minimum possible RAN memory, since the moment that you call a module it is loaded in the memory (correct?).
        I don't think that is correct. From use:
        Because use takes effect at compile time, it doesn't respect the ordinary flow control of the code being compiled. In particular, putting a use inside the false branch of a conditional doesn't prevent it from being processed.
        The reason That I am having two use inside the sub is that I am trying to utilize minimum possible RAM memory, since the moment that you call a module it is loaded in the memory (correct?).

        If you require them instead of use them, then the module will only be loaded when you need them.

        For example, a number of CPAN module use the following as "front ends" to Carp so Carp is only loaded is needed.

        sub _carp { require Carp; Carp::carp(@_); } sub _croak { require Carp; Carp::croak(@_); }
Re: RFC: Net::SNTP::Client v1
by Monk::Thomas (Friar) on Jul 01, 2015 at 17:15 UTC
    MAX_PORT => 65536,
    Off by one. The highest allowed port number is 65535.

      Hello Monk::Thomas,

      Thank you for your time and effort reviewing my code. Nice point, I forgot that port 0 is also counted.

      I have updated all my die evaluations, probably by 99.9% you are right. After the die process it will not return anything. I am using eval to capture the error.

      a) Decide to use a specific indentation style and then stick to it. The outer if-conditional has its codeblock indented, the inner one does not. That's very confusing.

      You are right, I have updated the documentation also based on Plain Old Documentation format I hope it is correct until I test it. :D

      b) Using a 'true' value to indicate an error and a 'false' value to indicate success is counter-intuitive. Using '0' or 'undef' as the error-returns opens up the possibility to use the return value to provide more detail. (e.g. number of returned matches, length of read data, in your case it could be used to indicate the actual port used in case the default applies.)

      The reason that I am using TRUE and FALSE is for simplicity and readability reasons in future. I think it makes it easier to understand in case of TRUE do that or in case of FALSE do that.

      Seeking for Perl wisdom...on the process of learning...not there...yet!

        The reason that I am using TRUE and FALSE is for simplicity and readability reasons in future. I think it makes it easier to understand in case of TRUE do that or in case of FALSE do that.

        You can keep on doing that. Just switch the meaning of true and false. Have a look at read()

        If you're not interested in the actual return code you can simply write
        read $fh, 5, 10 or die;
        Or if you want to make sure you read exactly x bytes, then you can write
        my $bytes = 5; my $count = read $fh, $bytes, 10; if ($count == $bytes) { (do stuff) } else { die sprintf "Want %i bytes, got %s!", $bytes, $count // '<undef>'; }
        (The // operator requires at least Perl 5.10.)
Re: RFC: Net::SNTP::Client v1
by Monk::Thomas (Friar) on Jul 01, 2015 at 15:26 UTC
    my $client_socket = new IO::Socket::INET ( [stuff] ) or die && return ( [other stuff] );

    I am pretty sure the return is totally useless because die will terminate your program and that's it. Apart from that due to your indentation style it's pretty hard to determine whether you're actually in a returnable function or not.


    my $checkPort = sub { my $port = shift; if ($port) { if ($port > MAX_PORT or $port < MIN_PORT){ $error = "Please insert a correct port number (".MIN_PORT." - +".MAX_PORT.")"; return TRUE; } } else { $moduleInput{-port} = 123; return FALSE; } };

    a) Decide to use a specific indentation style and then stick to it. The outer if-conditional has its codeblock indented, the inner one does not. That's very confusing.

    b) Using a 'true' value to indicate an error and a 'false' value to indicate success is counter-intuitive. Using '0' or 'undef' as the error-returns opens up the possibility to use the return value to provide more detail. (e.g. number of returned matches, length of read data, in your case it could be used to indicate the actual port used in case the default applies.)

    my $port = verify_port($value); if (defined $port) { (do stuff) } else { (handle error case) } sub verify_port { my $candidate = shift; if ( [suitable] ) { return $candidate; } else { return; } }
    or maybe
    my $port = verify_port($value); sub verify_port { my $candidate = shift; if ( [suitable] ) { return $candidate; } else { (handle error case) (abort execution) } }
Re: RFC: Net::SNTP::Client v1
by stevieb (Canon) on Jul 06, 2015 at 14:04 UTC

    Congrats on your first CPAN module!

    This is more a nit than it is an operational fix, but I always prefer to see hash-based params passed in as a hash reference, as opposed to a hash:

    this({ string => $string, times => 10, }); sub this { my $p = shift; # all params in hashref print $p->{string} x $p->{times}; }

    I find it easier to track and organize things, and if you ever want to pass in another non-hash-based parameter later on down the road, it's much simpler than having to refactor your code to suit the new arg list. I wrote about this a few years ago.

    my $href = { string => "Hello, world!" }; my $previous_error = $error; this($href, $previous_error); sub this { my $p = shift; # all params in hashref my $prev_error = shift; if (not $prev_error){ print $p->{string}; } }

    Also, it might be worth setting some reasonable defaults instead of forcing the user to send in all parameters for every call:

    this(); sub this { my $p = shift; $p->{hostname} = $p->{hostname} || ""; $p->{port} = $p->{port} || 123; }


Re: RFC: Net::SNTP::Client v1
by stevieb (Canon) on Jul 06, 2015 at 15:17 UTC

    One more thing. If you haven't already, get your module code into a code repository of some sort. I personally use Bitbucket, but another very popular free one is GitHub. Both Git and hg (Mercurial) are very easy to get started with and learn, especially for single-developer projects.


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