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Re: Compressing .sigs more

by jynx (Priest)
on Sep 20, 2001 at 01:23 UTC ( [id://113476]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Compressing .sigs more


It looks like the part you want changed is the last three lines of perl, kinda like so:

while(<STDIN>) { chomp; if (/^Received:[^\[]+\[(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\]/) { $n=`host $4.$3.$2.$1.$ARGV[0] 2>&1`; exit(0) if ($n=~/$ARGV[1]/m); } } exit(1);
Well, the best i could come up with looks something like this:
while(<STDIN>){$_="host ".join'.',map{s/(\d+)/$1/}split /./."$ARGV[0] 2>&1";`$_`=~/$ARGV[1]/m&&exit 0}exit 1
(or if we spread that out for readability):
while (<STDIN>) { $_= "host " . join '.', map {s/(\d+)/$1/} split /./ . "$ARGV[0] 2>&1"; `$_` =~ /$ARGV[1]/m && exit 0 } exit 1
Which reduces it one line. It has not been tested well at all (but should have the same functionality), and could probably be reduced more. Does this help at all?


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Re: Re: Compressing .sigs more
by strredwolf (Chaplain) on Sep 20, 2001 at 08:23 UTC
    That partly helps, but I do need to do the filtering and lookup on that Received header.


      here's my next attempt,

      Actually, this is two attempts. After playing around with my original twist a couple of times, i found that to do what it needs to do it would have to be longer than your original code. So i instead took your original code and chopped off unimportant bits and did some reformatting. Both of the following snippets seem to test out correctly (using warnings and strict):

      /^Received[^\[]+\[(\d+).(\d+).(\d+).(\d+)]/?`host $4.$3. $2.$1.$ARGV[0] 2>&1`=~/$ARGV[1]/m&&exit 0:1while<STDIN>; exit 1 while(<STDIN>){s/^Received[^\[]+//&&s/].*//?($_='host ' .(join'.',(reverse map{s/(\D+)//;$_}split/\./),$ARGV[0] ).' 2>&1',`$_`=~/$ARGV[1]/m&&exit 0):1}exit 1
      The first one is based off of yours, i'm sure there's a way to squeeze it further, but i can't see it from here. The second is a re-working of my previous answer, and is obviously inadequate space-wise.

      Hope This Helps,

      PS i'm not sure how space-conscientious you want to be, but you could also shorten the first line to:

      eval join"",map{chop;s/^[^>]+>\s*//&&$_}<DATA>__END__
      if you're really desperate for space. As always, it could probably be shortened more... :)

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