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Re^4: Masking data in a MySQL dump file. Ideas? (SQL::Statement::MySQL)

by Corion (Patriarch)
on Oct 13, 2016 at 18:25 UTC ( [id://1173950]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^3: Masking data in a MySQL dump file. Ideas?
in thread Masking data in a MySQL dump file. Ideas?

Here is the supplemental SQL::Statement::MySQL. If anybody wants to release this onto CPAN, they are very welcome!

package SQL::Statement::MySQL; use strict; use base qw(Class::Accessor); require SQL::Statement; use Carp qw(croak); use Scalar::Util qw(weaken); use List::Util qw(max); =head2 C<< new %ARGS >> Creates a new instance =cut sub new { my ($class,%args) = @_; $class->SUPER::new(\%args); } __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw(parser tables sql command)); sub columns { @{ $_[0]->{columns}}} =head2 C<< where >> Stub implementation - MySQL dumps don't contain UPDATE, DELETE or SELECT statements. =cut sub where { '' }; sub colvalues { my ($self) = @_; my $values = $self->{colvalues} ||= $self->parser->parse_values($s +elf->{_colvalues}); my @columns = $self->columns; for my $v (@$values) { if (@$v != @columns) { warn ~~@$v . " / " . ~~ @columns; for (0.. max($#columns,$#$v)) { warn "$_: " . $columns[$_]->name . " => $v->[$_]" }; warn "Values: @$v"; #die "Weird statement columns: " . $self->sql; die; }; }; @$values } =head2 C<< $s->reconstruct >> Reconstructs the SQL statement from the internal representation. This is convenient for changing a statement. NOT IMPLEMENTED CURRENTLY =cut sub reconstruct { croak "reconstruct() is not implemented"; } package SQL::Parser::MySQL; use strict; use base qw(Class::Accessor); use List::Util qw( max ); # for better error reporting require SQL::Statement; use vars qw(%unquote $sql_name); $sql_name = qr/\`?(\w+)\`?/; =head1 NAME SQL::Parser::MySQL - parse MySQL dumps =head1 ABSTRACT This is a parser for SQL statements as found in MySQL dumps. =head1 SYNOPSIS use SQL::Statement::MySQL; my $parser = SQL::Parser::MySQL->new(); $/ = $parser->record_separator; while (<>) { my ($stmt) = $parser->parse($_); } =head2 C<< new SQL >> Parses a single statement from a MySQL dump. While this class attempts to behave the same as a L<SQL::Statement> instance, it is no subclass. =cut __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw(record_separator tables current_table)); sub new { my $class = shift; my %args; if (@_ == 1) { %args = (statement => @_) } else { %args = @_ } $args{record_separator} ||= ";\n"; $args{tables} ||= {}; $args{current_table} = undef; $class->SUPER::new(\%args); } sub line_separator { ";\n" } =head2 C<< parse SQL >> Returns a L<SQL::Statement::MySQL> instance which can be used to inspect and modify the SQL statement. The line is autochomped. =cut sub parse { my ($self,$sql) = @_; my $sep = $self->line_separator; $sql =~ s/\Q$sep\E\z//sm; my $values; my ($table,$columns,@columns,$command); if ($sql =~ /^(?>--[^\n]*\n+)*\s*INSERT INTO\s*$sql_name\s+VALUES +\((.*)\)\z/smi) { $command = 'INSERT'; ($table,$values) = ($1,$2); if (! exists $self->tables->{$table}) { # who cares? #die "Insert into unknown table '$table' in statement >>$s +ql<<"; $self->tables->{$table}->{columns} = [] } } elsif ($sql =~ /^(?>--[^\n]*\n+)*\s*DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $sql_na +me\z/smi) { $command = 'DROP'; ($table) = ($1); # We ignore DROP statements return; } elsif ($sql =~ /^(?>--[^\n]*\n+)*\s*LOCK TABLES $sql_name WRITE\ +z/smi) { $command = 'LOCK'; ($table) = ($1); # We ignore LOCK statements return; } elsif ($sql =~ /^(?>--[^\n]*\n+)*\s*UNLOCK TABLES\z/smi) { $command = 'UNLOCK'; ($table) = ($1); # We ignore UNLOCK statements return; } elsif ($sql =~ /^(?>--[^\n]*\n+)*\s*CREATE\s*TABLE $sql_name \(( +.*)\)(?: (?:TYPE|ENGINE)=(?:MyISAM|InnoDB))?(?: AUTO_INCREMENT=\d+)?( +?: DEFAULT CHARSET=\S+)?(?: PACK_KEYS=1)?\s*\z/sm) { $command = 'CREATE'; ($table,$columns) = ($1,$2); my (@columns,@keycolumns,@primaries,@unique); 1 while ($columns =~ s/,\n\s*KEY\s*$sql_name\s*\((.*)\)\s*//); while ($columns =~ s/,\n\s*UNIQUE KEY\s*$sql_name\s*\((.*)\)\s +*//) { @primaries = split /,/, $1; }; if ($columns =~ s/,\n\s*PRIMARY KEY\s*\((.*)\)\s*//) { @primaries = split /,/, $1; }; #warn $columns; @keycolumns = ($columns =~ s/,\n\s*KEY\s*\w+\s*\(.*\)\s*//g); @columns = (map { /(\w+)/ ? $1 : '<unknown>' } split /,\n/, $c +olumns); $self->current_table( SQL::Statement::Table->new($table)); $self->tables->{ $table }->{keycolumns} = \@keycolumns; $self->tables->{ $table }->{primarykeys} = \@primaries; $self->tables->{ $table }->{columns} = [ map { SQL::Statement: +:Column->new({ table => $table, column => $_, })} @columns ]; } elsif ($sql =~ /^(?>--[^\n]*\n+)(?>\/\*[^\n]+\*\/)?\s*\z/smi) { # empty statement save for comments return } elsif ($sql =~ m!^(?>/\*[^\n]+\*/)?\s*\z!smi) { # empty statement save for comments return } else { die "Unknown/unparseable statement: >>$sql<<"; } SQL::Statement::MySQL->new( sql => $sql, parser => $self, tables => $table, columns => [@{ $self->tables->{ $table }->{columns} }], _colvalues => $values, command => $command, ); } =head2 C<< $s->parse_values VALUES >> Splits a comma-separated string into its components. No decoding or unquoting of the values is done, as the values are expected to be reused in a subsequent C<print> statement. The following three values are recognized: =over 4 =item * A literal NULL =item * An integer number =item * A single-quote quoted string. The following escapes can occur within such a string: \' - a literal single quote \" - a literal double quote \\ - a backslash \n - a newline \r - a carriage return \0 - maybe a binary zero \A-\Z - something weird, maybe CTRL-A to CTRL-Z ? =back The function returns a reference to an array. If you want to use the values within Perl, for example by passing them into a DBI handle, you can use the C<unquote_value> method to convert the values to something directly useable by Perl. =cut my $string = qr/(?:(?>')(?:(?>[^\\']+)|(?>(?:\\['\\"rn0A-Z])+))*')/; my $null = qr/(?:(?>NULL))/; my $num = qr/(?:(?>-?\d+)(?:\.\d+)?)/; my $value = qr/(?:$string|$null|$num)/; sub parse_values { my ($self,$values) = @_; my @r; while ($values =~ /\G(?:^|\),\(|\s*$)/gc) { my @res; while ($values =~ /\G($value)(?:,?)/gc) { push @res, $1; }; #warn "Next: ", substr $values, pos $values, 3; push @r, \@res if @res; }; my $consumed = pos $values; if (substr($values,$consumed) =~ /\S/ and $consumed != length $val +ues) { while ($values =~ s/^($value),//) { warn "Got: $1 (and more)\n"; }; if ($values =~ s/^($value)//) { warn "Fin: $1 (nevermore)\n"; } if ($values ne '') { warn "Left over: >$values<"; } #warn $self->sql; #warn "Malformed VALUES clause: >$values< in $_[1]"; #warn "Found:"; #warn $_ for ($values =~ /((?>$value))(?>(?:,|$))/g); die "Cannot continue - parsing error"; }; return \@r; } =head2 C<< unquote_value VALUES >> Takes a list of quoted values and unquotes them. If the list contains only one element and that element is an array reference, another reference to the mapped array elements is returned. The following rules apply for each value: =item * If the value is a literal C<NULL>, the function returns C<undef> =item * If the value looks like a number, that number is returned as a string to avoid the numeric imprecision that's possible if conversion happens. No explicit numerical translation is done, for example by adding C<+0> to the number. =item * If the value is a string quoted within single quotes, the following escapes get replaced and the enclosing single quotes get stripped: \' - a literal single quote \" - a literal double quote \\ - a backslash \n - a newline \r - a carriage return \0 - a binary zero \A-\Z - CTRL-A to CTRL-Z ? =cut for my $l (qw(n r \\ 0 ' ")) { $unquote{$l} = eval qq{"\\$l"} }; for my $l ('A'..'Z') { $unquote{$l} = chr((ord $l)-64); } sub unquote_value { my ($self) = shift; if (@_ == 1 and ref($_[0]) and ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY') { return [ $self->unquote_value( @$_[0]) ] } else { return map { if (/^$null$/) { undef } elsif (/^$num$/) { $_+0 } elsif (/^$string$/) { # remove quotes chop; $_ = substr $_, 1; s/\\(.)/$unquote{$1}/eg; $_ } else { die "Unhandled/unknown value >>$_<<" } } (@_) } } 1; =head1 SEE ALSO L<SQL::Statement> =cut

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