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Re: Particle movement question

by Anonymous Monk
on Apr 23, 2017 at 23:02 UTC ( [id://1188729]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Particle movement question

More info please... are there only 9 different particles, or are there lots of different kinds of particles and each cell can only hold up to nine at a time, etc.? What's your code so far?
my @grid_a; # there are only 9 particles my @grid_b; # there are lots of particles for my $x (0..9) { for my $y (0..9) { for my $particle (0..8) { $grid_a[$x][$y][$particle] = 1; $grid_b[$x][$y]{$particle} = 1; } my $pcount = keys %{$grid_b[$x][$y]}; } } use Data::Dumper; print Dumper(\@grid_a, \@grid_b);

perlreftut, perldsc

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Re^2: Particle movement question
by koda123 (Initiate) on Apr 24, 2017 at 02:00 UTC

    The basis is that within a grid, there is a rectangular portion, approximately one fifth of the total x distance and the entire y distance containing a number of particles, del_x distance apart (representing a fluid). At the initial position each grid has a horizontal velocity, and a vertical velocity. I am trying to simulate a scenario where the right boundary of the rectangle is suddenly removed, releasing all of the "fluid" So by assigning each grid unit within the rectangle 9 particles, I would essentially be assigning values to the free boundary (The right and top boundary), performing my calculations, resulting in a new horizontal and vertical velocity, determine the new velocity at a time n+1, and then compute the particle position. the problem would be creating a particle that would be tracked.

      Show us your code so far.

        so here is my code. Clearly it doesn't work right now, and it's very long. Getting it to calculate velocities would be a good start, and i'm pretty sure my flagging is not correct.

        $xlength=10; $ylength=4; $N=100; my @u; #Horizontal Velocity my @v; #Vertical Velocity my @p; my @F; my @G; my $eps=.001; my @grid; $imax=25; $jmax=10; for $i (0..$imax) { for $j (0..$jmax) { $u[$i][$j]=0; $v[$i][$j]=0; $p[$i][$j]=0; }} for $i (1..$imax){ for $j (1..$jmax) { $u[0][$j]=0; $v[$i][$jmax]=0; $v[0][$j]=$v[1][$j]; $u[$i][$jmax+1]=$u[$i][$jmax]; }} for $i (1..$imax) { for $j (1..$jmax) { $u[$i][1]=100; $u[$imax][$j]=100; $v[$i][1]=100; $v[$imax][$j]=100; $p[$i][1]=100; $p[$imax][$j]=100; }} $gx=0; $gy=-1; $delx=1; $dely=1; $RE=10; $time_step=.5; print "$v[10][1]\n"; ##### Assigning Flags###### #Begin Time loop#### for ($t=0; $t <$tend; $t +=$time_step) { for $i (0..$N) { for $j (0..$N) { if ($v[$i][$j] and $u[$i][$j] > 0 ){$flag=CF;} if ($v[$i][$j] and $u[$i][$j] = 0) {$flag=CE;} for $flag (CF) { if( $v[$i][$j-1]=0 or $u[$i][$j-1]=0){$flag='C_N';} if( $v[$i][$j+1]=0 or $u[$i][$j+1]=0) {$flag='C_S';} if ($u[$i-1][$j]=0 or $v[$i-1][$j]=0){$flag='C_W';} if ($u[$i+1][$j]=0 or $v[$i+1][$j]=0) {$flag='C_E';} if ($u[$i][$j-1]=0 and $u[$i][$j+1]=0 or $v[$i][$j-1]=0 and $v[$i][$ +j+1]=0){$flag='C_NS';} if ($u[$i-1][$j]=0and $u[$i+1][$j]=0 or $v[$i-1][$j]=0and $v[$i+1][$j] +=0){$flag='C_WE';} if ($u[$i][$j-1]=0 and $u[$i-1][$j]=0 or $v[$i][$j-1]=0 and $v[$i-1][$ +j]=0){$flag='C_NW';} if ($u[$i][$j-1]=0 and $u[$i+1][$j]=0 or $v[$i][$j-1]=0 and $v[$i+1][ +$j]=0){$flag='C_NE';} if ($u[$i][$j+1]=0 and $u[$i-1][$j]=0 or $v[$i][$j+1]=0 and $v[$i-1][ +$j]=0){$flag='C_SW';} if ($u[$i][$j+1]=0 and $u[$i+1][$j]=0 or $v[$i][$j+1]=0 and $v[$i+1][ +$j]=0){$flag='C_SE';} if ($u[$i][$j-1]=0 and $u[$i-1][$j]=0 and $u[$i+1][$j]=0 or $v[$i][$j +-1]=0 and $v[$i-1][$j]=0 and $v[$i+1][$j]=0){$flag='C_NWE';} if ($u[$i][$j-1]=0 and $u[$i][$j+1]=0 and $u[$i+1][$j]=0 or $v[$i][$j +-1]=0 and $v[$i][$j+1]=0 and $v[$i+1][$j]=0){$flag='C_NSE';} if ($u[$i][$j-1]=0 and $u[$i][$j+1]=0 and $u[$i-1][$j]=0 or $v[$i][$j +-1]=0 and $v[$i][$j+1]=0 and $v[$i-1][$j]=0){$flag='C_NSW';} if ($u[$i+1][$j]=0 and $u[$i][$j+1]=0 and $u[$i-1][$j]=0 or $v[$i+1][$ +j]=0 and $v[$i][$j+1]=0 and $v[$i-1][$j]=0){$flag='C_SWE';} if ($u[$i][$j-1]=0 and $u[$i-1][$j]=0 and $u[$i][$j+1]=0 and $u[$i+1] +[$j]=0 or $v[$i][$j-1]=0 and $v[$i-1][$j]=0 and $v[$i][$j+1]=0 and $ +v[$i+1][$j]=0){$flag='C_NWSE';} for $i (1..$imax) { for $j (1..$jmax) { if ($flag eq 'C_N', 'C_S', 'C_E', 'C_W'){ $p[$i][$j]=2/$RE*(($u[$i][$j]-$u[$i-1][$j])/$delx); $u[$i][$j]=$u[$i-1][$j]-($delx/$dely)*($v[$i][$j]-$v[$i][$j-1]); $v[$i+1][$j-1]=$v[$i][$j-1]-($delx/$dely)*($u[$i][$j]-$u[$i][$j-1]); print "$u[10][1]\n" } if ($flag='C_NE','C_SW'){ $u[$i][$j]=$u[$i-1][$j]; $v[$i][$j-1]=$v[$i][$j]; $p[$i][$j]= 1/2*$RE*((($u[$i][$j+1]+$u[$i-1][$j+1]-$u[$i][$j]-$u[$i-1] +[$j])/$dely)+(($v[$i][$j]+$v[$i][$j-1]-$v[$i-1][$j]-$v[$i-1][$j-1])/$ +delx)); } if ($flag='C_NW','C_SE') { $u[$i][$j]=$u[$i+1][$j]; $v[$i][$j+1]=$v[$i][$j]; $p[$i][$j]= -1/2*$RE*(($u[$i][$j+1]+$u[$i-1][$j+1]-$u[$i][$j]-$u[$i-1] +[$j])/$dely)+(($v[$i][$j]+$v[$i][$j-1]-$v[$i-1][$j]-$v[$i-1][$j-1])/$ +delx); } if ($flag='C_WE', 'C_NS') { $u[$i][$j]=$u[$i][$j]+$time_step*$gx; $u[$i-1][$j]=$u[$i-1][$j]+$time_step*$gx; $v[$i][$j]=$v[$i][$j]+$time_step*$gy; $v[$i][$j-1]=$v[$i][$j-1]+$time_step*$gy; $p[$i][$j]=0; } if ($flag='C_NSE','C_NSW','C_SWE','C_NWE'){ $p[$i][$j]=0; } if ($flag='C_NWSE'){ $u[$i][$j]=$u[$i][$j+1]; $p[$i][$j]=0; $v[$i][$j]=$v[$i-1][$j]; } } } for $i (1..$imax-1){ for $j(1..$jmax){ $F[$n][$i][$j]=$u[$i][$j]+$time_step*(1/$RE*(($u[$i][$j]/($xlength*$xl +ength))+($u[$i][$j]/($ylength*$ylength)))-(($u[$i][$j]*$u[$i][$j])/$x +length)-(($u[$i][$j]*$v[$i][$j])/$ylength)+$gx); $G[$n][$i][$j]=$v[$i][$j]+$time_step*(1/$RE*(($u[$i][$j]/($xlength*$xl +ength))+($u[$i][$j]/($ylength*$ylength)))-(($u[$i][$j]*$v[$i][$j])/$x +length)-(($u[$i][$j]*$u[$i][$j])/$ylength)+$gy); } } ##### more boundary conditions for RHS ###### for $i (1..$imax) { for $j (1..$jmax){ $p[0][$j]=$p[1][$j]; $p[$imax+1][$j]=$p[$imax][$j]; $p[$i][0]=$p[$i][1]; $p[$i][$jmax+1]=$p[$i][$jmax]; $Fn[0][$j]=$u[0][$j]; $Fn[$imax][$j]=$u[$imax][$j]; $Gn[$i][0]=$v[$i][0]; $Gn[$i][$jmax]=$v[$i][$jmax]; }} ####RHS Calc### for $i (1..$imax){ for $j(1..$jmax){ $RHS[$i][$j]=(1/$time_step)*(($Fn[$i][$j]-$Fn[$i-1][$j])/$delx+($Gn[$i +][$j]-$Gn[$i][$j-1])/$dely); if ($i=1){ $eW=0; }elsif ($i>1) { $eW=1; }elsif ($i<$imax){ $eE=1; }elsif ($i=$imax) { $eE=0; } if ($j=1){ $eS=0; }elsif ($j>1){ $eS=1; }elsif ($j<$jmax){ $eN=1; }elsif ($j=$jmax){ $eN=0; } } } ####SOR ##### #$itmax=20; #$omg=1; #do #{ #for $it (1..$itmax){ #for $i (1..$imax) { #for $j (1..$jmax) { #$P[$i][$j]=(1-$omg)*$p[$i][$j]+($omg/(($eE+$eW)/($delx*$delx))+($eN+$ +eS)/($dely*$dely)))*((($eE*$p[$i+1][$j]+$eW*$P[$i-1][$j])/($delx*$del +x))+(($eN*$p[$i][$j+1]+$eS*$P[$i][$j-1])/($dely*$dely)-$RHS[$i][$j]); #$rit[$i][$j]=((($eE*($p[$i+1][$j]-$p[$i][$j])-$eW*($p[$i][$j]-$p[$i-1 +][$j]))/($delx*$delx))+(($eN*($p[$i][$j+1]-$p[$i][$j])-$eS*($p[$i][$j +]-$p[$i][$j-1])/($dely*$dely))-$RHS[$i][$j])); #}while ($it<$itmax or abs($rit) gt $eps); #} #} #} }}} }

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