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Re^2: Parsing .txt into arrays

by Fshah (Initiate)
on May 25, 2017 at 04:24 UTC ( [id://1191175]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Parsing .txt into arrays
in thread Parsing .txt into arrays

that's right hippo,

I'm still stuck on 1 ,firstly I want to spit up this txt file into pages (each page pertaining to specific format),as similar pages have same keywords eg: work and language table always has the same format (same columns ,although not the same number of rows),I want to search these tables in the entire txt file using the key word "work and languages" and populate each work and languages table into different arrays,How can I go about this?

in this entire description I've used pages and tables interchangeably .

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Re^3: Parsing .txt into arrays
by huck (Prior) on May 25, 2017 at 07:07 UTC

    So lets focus on hippo's step 1 first, since it is the key to the next steps

    In some ways this is easy, and in other ways it will be hard

    If i was to do this based on what you have shown us i would start with a base you have already identified, in one case the a table begins with "work and language :65" , another table begins with "place and year data: 67" and yet another with "Position log".

    This takes that concept, and uses whats sometimes called a state machine to separate the lines into table parts, i then kept going to parse all the data into a hash of arrays of hashs. I realize its not quite the output style you wanted but it shows a lot of the techniques and you could modify it to get what you want.

    use strict; use warnings; my $state=''; my %tables; my @titles; while (my $line=<DATA>) { chomp $line; if (-1 != index($line,'place and year data: 67')) {$state='place' +;@titles=();} elsif (-1 != index($line,'work and language :65')) {$state='work'; +@titles=();} elsif (-1 != index($line,'Position log')) {$state='positi +on';@titles=();} elsif (-1 != index($line,'|')){ $line=~s/^\s*//; # take off leading spaces $line=~s/\s*$//; # take off trailing spaces $line=~s/^\|//; # take off leading bar my @thisset=split('\|',$line); for my $part (@thisset){ $part=~s/_//g; # remove any underscores $part=~s/^\s*//; # take off leading spaces $part=~s/\s*$//; # take off trailing spaces } unless ($thisset[0]=~m/^\d+$/) { # if first not digits this is a title part my $ix=0; for my $part (@thisset) { if ($part ne '') { unless (defined($titles[$ix])) {$titles[$ix]=$part; } else {$titles[$ix].=' '.$part; } } $ix++; } # part } # not digits else { # first is digits so this is data my %hashpart; my $ix=0; for my $part (@thisset) { $hashpart{$titles[$ix]}=$part; $ix++; } # part push @{$tables{$state}},\%hashpart; } # digits } # not sep } # line use Data::Dumper; print Dumper(\%tables); __DATA__ place and year data: 67 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |no.| name | age | place | year | |_ _|_ _ _ _|_ _ _ | _ _ _ | _ _ | |1 | sue |33 | NY | 2015 | |2 | mark |28 | cal | 2106 | work and language :65 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |no.| name | languages | proficiency | time taken| |_ _| _ _ _| _ _ _ _ _ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _| _ _ _ _ _ | |1 | eliz | English | good | 24 hrs | |2 | susan| Spanish | good | 13 hrs | |3 | danny| Italian | decent | 21 hrs | Position log | | |Pos |value | |bulk|lot| prev| newest| |# |Locker|(dfg) |(no) |nul|val |Id | val |val | ----------------------------------------------------------- | 0| 1| 302832| -11.88| 1| 0|Pri| 16| 0| | 1| 9| 302836| 11.88| 9| 0|Pri| 10| 0| | 2| 1| 302832| -11.88| 5| 3|Pri| 14| 4| | 3| 3| 302833| 11.88| 1| 0|sec| 12| 0| | 4| 6| 302837| -11.88| 1| 0|Pri| 16| 3|
    $VAR1 = { 'work' => [ { 'languages' => 'English', 'no.' => '1', 'name' => 'eliz', 'time taken' => '24 hrs', 'proficiency' => 'good' }, { 'no.' => '2', 'languages' => 'Spanish', 'name' => 'susan', 'proficiency' => 'good', 'time taken' => '13 hrs' }, { 'name' => 'danny', 'time taken' => '21 hrs', 'proficiency' => 'decent', 'languages' => 'Italian', 'no.' => '3' } ], 'place' => [ { 'year' => '2015', 'place' => 'NY', 'name' => 'sue', 'no.' => '1', 'age' => '33' }, { 'year' => '2106', 'name' => 'mark', 'place' => 'cal', 'no.' => '2', 'age' => '28' } ], 'position' => [ { 'newest val' => '0', 'prev val' => '16', 'bulk val' => '0', 'value (no)' => '-11.88', 'Locker' => '1', '#' => '0', 'nul' => '1', 'Pos (dfg)' => '302832', 'lot Id' => 'Pri' }, { 'newest val' => '0', 'bulk val' => '0', 'prev val' => '10', 'Locker' => '9', 'value (no)' => '11.88', 'nul' => '9', '#' => '1', 'lot Id' => 'Pri', 'Pos (dfg)' => '302836' }, { 'lot Id' => 'Pri', 'Pos (dfg)' => '302832', 'newest val' => '4', 'bulk val' => '3', 'prev val' => '14', 'Locker' => '1', 'value (no)' => '-11.88', 'nul' => '5', '#' => '2' }, { 'nul' => '1', '#' => '3', 'Locker' => '3', 'value (no)' => '11.88', 'bulk val' => '0', 'prev val' => '12', 'newest val' => '0', 'lot Id' => 'sec', 'Pos (dfg)' => '302833' }, { '#' => '4', 'nul' => '1', 'value (no)' => '-11.88', 'Locker' => '6', 'bulk val' => '0', 'prev val' => '16', 'newest val' => '3', 'Pos (dfg)' => '302837', 'lot Id' => 'Pri' } ] };

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