User since: Dec 28, 1999 at 04:54 UTC (24 years ago)
Last here: Mar 11, 2001 at 15:47 UTC (23 years ago)
Experience: 25
Level:Novice (2)
Writeups: 10
Location:Edinburgh, Scotland (UK)
User's localtime: Apr 22, 2024 at 20:51 -11
Scratchpad: None.
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I am a second-year undergraduate student in Scandinavian Studies at the University of Edinburgh. My specialisations are the Danish and Icelandic languages, Danish colonialisation, and language change in Scandinavia. In my first year I was also doing German and Computer Science. So, I learnt some German literature, and some Java. heh. My current interests are really diverse. I'm a bit of a language boffin, but I'm not your stereotypical arts student. I'd say I was more of CS person, anyway.

I also work full-time for easyEverything, Ltd. Impossible? No!? Last year I was working at the Scottish Prison Service for the past year, helping to integrate their new Payroll/HR system, Cyborg. Before that I was at the Edinburgh Rudolf Steiner School, a Waldorf school here in the UK.... I still miss it a bit; here's my old class' Webpage, ca. 1997!

In my spare time I also write tonnes of stuff on Everything2 and am also on the committees of BLOGS, CompSoc, OddSoc(*), and the Tibet Society here at Uni. Other occupations include language dabbling (e.g. the other Scandinavian languages, and also certain oriental languages -- CJKV stuff really interests me -- such as Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese, and Thai all at once).

I like computers, too. I used to want to be more involved in e2 from a coding point of view -- I like dabbling in Perl and MySQL -- but now I'm concentrating more on its useability.

(*) the Scandinavian Studies department society

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