I found this useful for LaTeX documents where all of the section headers are in a single file.
#! /usr/bin/perl -w # # LaTeX Outline Generator # use strict ; use warnings ; $|++ ; # Define the symbols to use to denote organizational levels. my @symbol_list = ( '*', '-', '+' ) ; # Set some defaults for the page header. my $title = 'LaTeX Document' ; my $author = 'Unknown Author' ; my $date = (localtime)[3] . ' ' . qw( Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec )[(localtime)[4] +] . ' ' . ( (localtime)[5] + 1900 ) ; print '-' x 70 . "\n" ; while ( <> ) { # Grab doc titles, converting newlines to hyphens. if ( m/title\{(.*)\}/ ) { $title = $1 ; $title =~ s/\\\\/-/g ; } # Grab author names, converting \and's to commas. elsif ( m/author\{(.*)\}/ ) { $author = $1 ; $author =~ s/\s*\\and\s*/, /g ; } # Grab document dates. elsif ( m/date\{(.*)\}/ ) { $date = $1 ; } # Once the preamble's been processed, print the page header. elsif ( m/begin\{document\}/ ) { print "$title\n$author\n$date\n" . '-' x 70 . "\n" ; } # When a section tag is encountered, check it's # depth and print apprpriately. elsif ( m/section\{(.*)\}/ ) { my $name = $1 ; my $level = 0 ; $level++ while s/\\sub/\\/g ; my $symbol = $symbol_list[ $level ] ; print " " x ( ( $level * 4 ) + 2 ) . "$symbol_list[ $level ] $name\n" ; } } print '-' x 70 . "\n" ; exit( 0 ) ;

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Re: LaTeX Outline Generator
by aersoy (Scribe) on Mar 22, 2002 at 05:43 UTC

    I really liked this. However, I usually separate my documents into multiple files, so that single file itch got to be scratched.

    #! /usr/bin/perl -w # # LaTeX Outline Generator # use strict ; use warnings ; use vars qw($title $author $date); use IO::File; $|++ ; BEGIN { # Set some defaults for the page header. $title = 'LaTeX Document' ; $author = 'Unknown Author' ; $date = (localtime)[3] . ' ' . qw( Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec )[(localtime)[ +4]] . ' ' . ( (localtime)[5] + 1900 ) ; print '-' x 70 . "\n" ; } END { print '-' x 70 . "\n" ; } sub open_file { my $file = shift; my $fh = IO::File->new("<$file"); if (defined $fh) { scan_tex($fh); } else { die("Cannot read file '$file'"); } $fh->close; } sub scan_tex { local $_; my $file = shift; my $inside_block = 0; my $curly_open = 0; my $curly_close = 0; while ( <$file> ) { chomp; next if m/^%/ or $_ eq ''; if ( m/\\newcommand/ ) { $inside_block = 1; } if ( $inside_block ) { $curly_open += tr/{//; $curly_close += tr/}//; if ( $curly_open eq $curly_close ) { $inside_block = 0; } else { next; } } if ( m/\\input{([^}]+)}/ ) { open_file($1); next; } # Grab doc titles, converting newlines to hyphens. if ( m/title\{(.*)\}/ ) { $title = $1 ; $title =~ s/\\\\/-/g ; } # Grab author names, converting \and's to commas. elsif ( m/author\{(.*)\}/ ) { $author = $1 ; $author =~ s/\s*\\and\s*/, /g ; } # Grab document dates. elsif ( m/date\{(.*)\}/ and $1 ne '\today') { $date = $1 ; } # Once the preamble's been processed, print the page header. elsif ( m/begin\{document\}/ ) { print "$title\n$author\n$date\n" . '-' x 70 . "\n" ; } # When a section tag is encountered, check it's # depth and print apprpriately. elsif ( m/(part|chapter|section)\{(.*)\}/ ) { my %tree = ( part => 0, chapter => 1, section => 2 ); my $level = $tree{$1}; $level++ while s/\\sub/\\/g ; print_node($2, $level); } } } sub print_node { my ($node, $level) = @_; unless ($node) { return } # Define the symbols to use to denote organizational levels. my @symbol_list = ( '*', '-', '+' ) ; my $symbol = $symbol_list[ $level ] ; print " " x ( ( $level * 4 ) + 2 ) ; print "$symbol_list[ $level ] $node\n" ; } if ( scalar(@ARGV) > 0 ) { open_file($_) while $_ = shift; } else { scan_tex(*STDIN); } exit( 0 ) ;

    I also tried to add code to skip command definitions, where unrelated section{} commands could get caught and printed.

    Last but not least, besides section{} commands, part{} and chapter{} commands are caught and listed now.

    As a result it got a little bit puffier (bloat?).

    Alper Ersoy