package Net::MSN; use strict; use warnings FATAL => ('all'); #, 0.2, amoe, 23/02/2002 use Digest::MD5 'md5_hex'; use IO::Select; use IO::Socket; use URI::Escape; # remote line terminator my $n = "\015\012"; # msn protocol versions we support my %protos = (4 => 1, 5 => 1, 6 => 1, 7 => 1, ); # commands that don't send transaction ids my %exception = (RNG => 1, MSG => 1, ); # default notification server/port combo my $def_ns = ''; # Public methods sub new { my $class = shift; # allow caller to supply an alternative server my $notification_server = shift || $def_ns; my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new($notification_server) or die "couldn't connect to $notification_server: $!"; return bless {tids => [-1], # gets incremented to 1 notification => $socket, logged_in => 0}, $class; } sub login { my ($self, $email, $password) = @_; $self->email($email); # stow the email for later my $res = $self->_authenticate($email); if ($res->[0] eq 'XFR') { # switch server my $new_ns = IO::Socket::INET->new($res->[2]) or die "couldn't connect to $res->[2]: $!"; $self->notification($new_ns); # try again $res = $self->_authenticate($email); } # hash the combinination of the password # and the hash the server sent us my $combined = md5_hex($res->[3], $password); $res = $self->send_cmd(qw{USR MD5 S}, $combined); return 0 if $res->[1] ne 'OK'; $self->logged_in(1); return uri_unescape($res->[3]); } # Building block methods sub send_cmd { my $self = shift; my $setup = {}; # if the last param is a hashref, # pop it and treat it as config $setup = pop if ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH'; # the rest is the raw command my @bits = @_; # assume a server if not provided $setup->{socket} ||= $self->logged_in ? $self->switchboard : $self->notification; $setup->{tid} ||= -1; my $server = $setup->{socket}; # increment tid $self->tids($setup->{tid}, $self->tids($setup->{tid}) + 1); # put in the transaction id and join my $req = join(' ', do { splice @bits, 1, 0, $self->tids($setup->{tid}); @bits }) . $n; print "sending $req"; # for debug print $server $req; my $selecta = IO::Select->new($server); my @res; while ((my $conn) = $selecta->can_read(1)) { defined(my $line = <$conn>) or last; my @words = split /\s+/, do { local $/ = $n; chomp $line; $line }; # splice out the tid if it was sent splice @words, 1, 1 if $words[0] && !$exception{$words[0]}; push @res, @words; } print "received @res\n"; # for debug return \@res; } # wield() - wait for the server to send us something, then call the client sub wield { my ($self, $dispatch, $timeout, @sockets) = @_; my $selecta = IO::Select->new(@sockets); while (1) { while (my @ready = $selecta->can_read($timeout)) { for (@ready) { defined(my $line = <$_>) or next; # parse my @words = split /\s+/, do { local $/ = $n; chomp $line; $line }; my $command = $words[0]; my $coderef; # splice out the tid splice @words, 1, 1 unless $exception{$command}; # call the relavent callback $coderef->(@words) if defined($coderef = $dispatch->{$command}); } } } } # wieldcap() - a wrapper around wield for simple wielding sub wieldcap { my ($self, $command, $timeout) = @_; # call wield with an instruction to die as soon as we get sent # the command. bundle up what we were sent in the die message. unless (eval { $self->wield({$command => sub { die "WIELDCAP: @_" }}, $timeout); 1; }) { # make sure it was really our message die unless (my $res = $@) =~ s/^WIELDCAP: //; # resurrect the message return split /\s+/, $res; } return; # undef } # Accessors # autoload accessors sub AUTOLOAD { my $self = shift; my $name = our $AUTOLOAD; return if $name =~ /::DESTROY$/; $name =~ s/^Net::MSN:://; return @_ ? ($self->{$name} = shift) : $self->{$name}; } # select-a-tid sub tids { my $self = shift; my $index = shift; if (defined $index) { return @_ ? ($self->{tids}->[$index] = shift) : $self->{tids}->[$index]; } else { return $self->{tids} } } # Private methods # authenticate someone to some server sub _authenticate { my ($self, $email) = @_; # agree on a protocol (list operator heaven?) my $res = $self->send_cmd('VER', map({ "MSNP$_" } sort { $b <=> $a } keys %protos), 'CVRO'); die "protocol incompatibility: @$res" if !grep { $protos{$_} } map { substr($_, 4) } do { shift @$res; @$res }; # agree on an encryption scheme $res = $self->send_cmd(qw{INF}); die "encryption incompatibility: $res->[1]" if $res->[1] ne 'MD5'; # ask if this man know who we are $res = $self->send_cmd(qw{USR MD5 I}, $email); # return what he said return $res; } __END__ pod goes here (or should i splice it in with the code?)