in reply to Tricks with DBI

Well done. Some corrections if I may.
(a) bind_columns SHOULD be after execute has been called. As DBI's manual says, that's for maximum compatibility.
(b) You call bind_columns with four parameters (the first one been undef) while your execute only returns three (id, name and phone). While I have never used bind_columns before execute, I beleive that should fail.

My way is similar but not the same (I include just the different part):

my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached(<<SQL); select id, name, phone from people where birth_month = ? SQL for my $month (@months) { print "People born in $month:\n"; my($id, $name, $phone); # Execute the statement for this $month $sth->execute($month); $sth->bind_columns(\$id, \$name, \$phone); # Also valid: $sth->bind_columns(\($id, $name, $phone)); # Fetch each row and print out the values while ($sth->fetch) { print "\t", join("\t", $id, $name, $phone), "\n"; } }