### BEGINING OF FORK # my $kidpid; my $parentpid = $$; if (!defined($kidpid = fork())) { # fork returned undef, so failed print "cannot fork: $!"; } elsif ($kidpid == 0) { sleep(3600); my ($date, $Stime, $Ctime, $J, $Temp1, $Temp2, $bpdbjobs); my (@JOBID, @PIDS, @times, @bpdbLines); while(1) { ### parsing the input $bpdbjobs = `$BPDBJOBS | grep Active | grep -v PID`; @bpdbLines = split /\n/, $bpdbjobs; for($J = 0; $J < @bpdbLines; $J++) { $bpdbLines[$J] = $bpdbLines[$J] . "\n"; $bpdbLines[$J] =~ /^(\d+)\s/; $JOBID[$J] = $1; $bpdbLines[$J] =~ /\s(\d+)$/; $PIDS[$J] = $1; if( $PID[$J] == $parentpid) { $PIDS[$J]=undef; $JOBID[$J]=undef; $J--; } } for( $J = 0; $J < @PIDS ; $J++) { #get the time the job started chomp ($times[$J] = `/bp/bin/bpps | grep $PIDS[$J] | /usr/local/bin/perl -lane 'print \$F[4]'`); $times[$j]=parsedate($times[$j]); } ### time checks $Ctime = time; for($J = 0; $J < @PIDS; $J++) { $Temp1 = $Ctime - $times[$j]; if($Temp1 > 7200) { $Temp2 = "/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpdbjobs -cancel $JOBID[$J]"; #cancel if job runs longer than 2 hours print "$Temp2\n"; system($Temp2); unless (open (todayHungClientsLogP, ">>$HungClientsLog")) { print (" HungClients: unable to open output <$HungClientsLog>\n"); } else { # print (todayHungClientsLogP " Running Time = $Temp1 >>"); print (todayHungClientsLogP "$Temp2\n"); close (todayHungClientsLogP); } } } sleep(1800); $alive = `/bin/ps -ef | grep $parentpid | grep -v grep`; unless($alive ne "") { exit; } } } else { #do the rest of the script here.