User since: Jun 25, 2000 at 08:59 UTC (24 years ago)
Last here: Oct 01, 2000 at 01:13 UTC (24 years ago)
Experience: 367
Level:Scribe (6)
Writeups: 16
User's localtime: Apr 19, 2024 at 16:48 -11
Scratchpad: None.
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I like learning anything Perl or Linux related, so this turned out to be a great page for me to visit:) I also compose computer music and play guitar (midi of course, set to a soundfont of a concert grand weee) I play GammaWorld, a roleplaying game set in post-apocalyptic Earth, and D&D sometimes. Most of the time though I'm elbos deep in someones computer doing repairs or upgrades. I hate windows, but grudgingly use it because I can't do what I want to do musicly under linux... yet. If someone codes a version of LiveWare for the SBLive! Platinum for Linux its bye bye win32.