in reply to meaning of /o in regexes

The /o modifier is used when you only want the pattern compiled once. So in the second pattern, $x will not be incremented and as such, only matches once.

Update: Okay, I promise to read the questions in full before replying from now on (and this time I mean it! ;-). So to answer your actual question...

The difference between qr// and the /o modifier as I understand it is that with /o you can never change the pattern, whereas with qr// you can compile the pattern to be used as part of a larger regex. As the good book shows:

@regexes = (); for $pattern (@patterns) { push @regexes, qr/$pattern/; } for $item (@data) { for $re (@regexes) { if ($item =~ /$re/) { print "Matches!\n"; } } }

I Hope that's slightly more helpful :).