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Filling Tk Text Entry boxes

by £okì (Scribe)
on Mar 21, 2003 at 13:10 UTC ( [id://244846]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

£okì has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

As some of you probably know, I've been working on a Win32 application now for a couple days using Tk for the GUI interface. I finally have everything working aside from updating my Entry fields. The way my script is working, I build the window with all fields. Once one field is filled out and a button is pressed, it filles the remaining fields from a database. Pretty simple to be honest. However, for some reason I can not get those Entry boxes to fill. I've seen varrious ways to fill them such as using $widget->configure(-text => "hello world"); or $widget_textvariable = "hello world";. However, i have been thus far completely unsuccessful at getting them to update. In fact, I don't seem to be able to add text to the Entry Boxes when I first build them. If you would like to give me a hand here and let me know what I'm doing wrong, I would appreciate it. My code minus the irrelevant subroutines is below.

use strict; use Tk 800.00; use Mysql; require Tk::Frame; require Tk::TextUndo; require Tk::Text; require Tk::Scrollbar; require Tk::Menu; require Tk::Menubutton; require Tk::Adjuster; require Tk::DialogBox; require Tk::JComboBox; # Main Window my $mw = new MainWindow; $mw->geometry('800x600'); # Frames Setup my $lf = $mw->Frame->pack(qw/-side left -fill y/); my $rf = $mw->Frame->pack(qw/-side right -fill y/); # Menu Bar Setup my $mb = $mw->Menu(-menuitems => &menubar_menuitems() ); $mw->configure(-menu => $mb); $mw->title("INSCO Inventory Control"); #Set Up Client Information my %field; my @names = (qw/po client contact phone email address city state zip i +d model/); my @labls = ("PO:", "Client:", "Contact:", "Contact Phone Number:", "C +ontact Email Address:", "Contact Post Address:", "", "" , "", "Client + Specified ID", "Model"); my @position = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11); foreach (@names) { my $position = int(shift(@position)); $field{$_}{txvar} = ''; $field{$_}{label} = $rf->Label( -text => shift( @labls )) ->grid(-row => $position, -col => '0', ); } my $current_city = "San Juan"; my $tf_po = $rf->Entry(-width=>30, -textvariable=>'current_po')-> +grid(-row => '1', -col => '2'); my $tf_client = $rf->Entry(-width=>30, -textvariable=>'current_client +')->grid(-row => '2', -col => '2'); my $tf_contact = $rf->Entry(-width=>30, -textvariable=>'current_contac +t')->grid(-row => '3', -col => '2'); my $tf_phone = $rf->Entry(-width=>30, -textvariable=>'current_phone' +)->grid(-row => '4', -col => '2'); my $tf_email = $rf->Entry(-width=>30, -textvariable=>'current_email' +)->grid(-row => '5', -col => '2'); my $tf_address = $rf->Entry(-width=>30, -textvariable=>'current_addres +s')->grid(-row => '6', -col => '2'); my $tf_city = $rf->Entry(-width=>30, -textvariable=>'current_city') +->grid(-row => '7', -col => '2'); my $tf_state = $rf->Entry(-width=>30, -textvariable=>'current_state' +)->grid(-row => '8', -col => '2'); my $tf_zip = $rf->Entry(-width=>30, -textvariable=>'current_zip')- +>grid(-row => '9', -col => '2'); my $tf_id = $rf->Entry(-width=>30, -textvariable=>'current_id')-> +grid(-row => '10', -col => '2'); my $tf_model = $rf->Entry(-width=>30, -textvariable=>'current_model' +)->grid(-row => '11', -col => '2'); #Set Up Serial Query Information my $label_input = $lf->Label(-text=>'Serial Number: ',)->pack(qw/-si +de top/); my $tf_serial = $lf->Entry(-width=>30)->pack(qw/-side top/); my $label_space = $lf->Label(-text=>'',)->pack(qw/-side top/); my $returned = ""; my $current_client = "hello world"; my $button_submit = $lf->Button( -text => 'Search', -command => sub{get_data($tf_client,$tf_contact,$tf_phone,$tf_emai +l,$tf_address,$tf_city,$tf_state,$tf_zip,$tf_id,$tf_model)} )->pack; my $spacer0 = $rf->Label(-text => '')->grid(-row => 12, -col => 1); my $spacer1 = $rf->Label(-text => '')->grid(-row => 13, -col => 1); my $jcb_experiments = $rf->JComboBox( -relief => 'groove', -popuprelief => 'groove', -highlightthickness => 0, -choices => '' )->grid(-row => 14, -col => '5'); $jcb_experiments->removeAllItems(); my $jcb_employees = $rf->JComboBox( -relief => 'groove', -popuprelief => 'groove', -highlightthickness => 0, -choices => '' )->grid(-row => 14, -col => '7'); $jcb_employees->removeAllItems(); # Set up Labs Menu my $label_labs = $rf->Label(-text => 'Lab:', -width => '10')->grid(-ro +w => 14, -col => 1); my @labs = get_labs(); my $jcb_labs = $rf->JComboBox( -relief => 'groove', -popuprelief => 'groove', -highlightthickness => 0, -choices => '', -scmd => sub{ get_employees(), get_experiments();} )->grid(-row => 14, -col => '2'); foreach(@labs){ $jcb_labs->addItem($_); } $jcb_labs->setSelectedIndex(0); # Set Up Experiements Menu my $label_experiments = $rf->Label(-text => 'Experiments:')->grid(-row + => 14, -col => 3); my $label_employees = $rf->Label(-text => 'Employee:')->grid(-row => 1 +4, -col => 6); my $button_load_up = $rf->Button( -text => 'Place Work Order', -command => \&place_order, -state => 'disabled' )->grid(-row=>17, -col =>3); my $status = $tf_po->get; if($status ne ""){ $button_load_up->configure(-state => 'active'); } MainLoop; exit 0; sub get_data { my ($tf_client,$tf_contact,$tf_phone,$tf_email,$tf_address,$tf_cit +y,$tf_state,$tf_zip,$tf_id,$tf_model) = @_; my $entered = $tf_serial->get; my $dbh = Mysql->connect("localhost", "insco_inventory", "INSCO", +"******") or die("Could Not Connect To Server"); my $query = qq~SELECT * FROM inventory WHERE serial='$entered'~; my $sth = $dbh->query($query); my @arr = $sth->fetchrow; my $current_client = "hello world"; } sub get_employees { my $index = $jcb_labs->getSelectedIndex(); my $lab = $jcb_labs->getItemNameAt($index); my $dbh = Mysql->connect("localhost", "insco_inventory", "INSCO", +"******") or die("Could Not Connect To Server"); my $query = qq~SELECT name FROM employees WHERE lab='$lab' ORDER B +Y workload~; my $sth = $dbh->query($query); my @arr; my @return_vals; while(@arr = $sth->fetchrow) { push(@return_vals,$arr[0]); } $jcb_employees->removeAllItems(); foreach(@return_vals){ $jcb_employees->addItem($_); } $jcb_employees->setSelectedIndex(0); } sub get_labs { my $dbh = Mysql->connect("localhost", "insco_inventory", "INSCO", +"******") or die("Could Not Connect To Server"); my $query = qq~SELECT * FROM labs~; my $sth = $dbh->query($query); my @arr; my @return_vals; while(@arr = $sth->fetchrow) { push(@return_vals,$arr[1]); } return(@return_vals); } sub get_experiments { my $index = $jcb_labs->getSelectedIndex(); my $lab = $jcb_labs->getItemNameAt($index); my $dbh = Mysql->connect("localhost", "insco_inventory", "INSCO", +"hernagra") or die("Could Not Connect To Server"); my $query = qq~SELECT tests FROM labs WHERE name='$lab'~; my $sth = $dbh->query($query); my $arr = $sth->fetchrow; my @return_vals; my @experiments = split(/\|/, $arr); foreach(@experiments){ push(@return_vals,$_); } $jcb_experiments->removeAllItems(); foreach(@return_vals){ $jcb_experiments->addItem($_); } $jcb_experiments->setSelectedIndex(0); }

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Re: Before you get what you want. . . .
by Nitrox (Chaplain) on Mar 21, 2003 at 13:58 UTC
    Take a look at your usage of the -textvariable attribute, I belive the snippet below does what you want.

    use strict; use warnings; use Tk; my ($name, $frame, $entry); my $main = MainWindow->new(); my $frameEntry = $main->Frame()->grid(); $entry = $frameEntry -> Entry(-textvariable => \$name)->grid(-column = +> 1, -row => 5); $name = "Updated after"; MainLoop;
    by £okì (Scribe) on Mar 21, 2003 at 14:10 UTC
      Sometimes it is incredible to me how I can just miss the little things. . I can't tell you how long I spent messing with something almost exactly the same but I never took the single quotes from around -textvariable=>'\$name'
      Thanks for the help but I still have one more thing. How can I edit them from a Subroutine? Do I have to register them as globals or is there some, better way?
        they are already globaly defined

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