jaldhar has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

i'm using Frontier::Client to get back information from Advogato's XML-RPC interface and I'm having trouble with the methods that return an array. Here is a sample invocation of the test.guess method:

---- request ---- <?xml version="1.0"?> <methodCall> <methodName>test.guess</methodName> <params> </params> </methodCall> ---- response ---- <?xml version="1.0"?> <methodResponse> <params> <param> <array> <data> <value> <string>You guessed</string> </value> <value> <int>42</int> </value> </data> </array> </param> </params> </methodResponse>
I try to access it from perl like this:
my $client = Frontier::Client->new( 'url' => '', use_objects => 1, debug => 1,); my ($string, $int) = $client->call('test.guess') or die "$!\n";
and get back the XML above plus:
wanted `value' or `name' tag, got `array' at line 5 column 6
and the variables don't get filled in. Is this a limitation in the module or did I do something wrong?
