$ pmpath CGI /usr/share/perl/5.6.1/CGI.pm #### $ man -k pm | g 1p pmall (1p) - show all installed versions and descs pman (1p) - show a module's man page pmcat (1p) - page through a module file pmdesc (1p) - print out version and whatis description of perl modules pmdirs (1p) - print out module directories pmexp (1p) - show a module's exports pmfunc (1p) - cat out a function from a module pminst (1p) - find modules whose names match this pattern pmload (1p) - show what files a given module loads at compile time pmls (1p) - long list the module path pmpath (1p) - show full path to a perl module pmvers (1p) - print out a module's version