# Again untested, so take care ! # A string that will sort beyond any returned file (they all start with /) use constant INFINITY => chr(ord("/")+1); my $yesterday; sub walk_dir { # dir argument is assumed to already end on / my $dir = shift; opendir(local *DIR, $dir) || die "Could not opendir $dir: $!"; for (sort readdir(DIR)) { next if $_ eq "." || $_ eq ".."; my $f = "$dir$_"; if (-d $f) { walk_dir("$f/"); } else { $f .= "\n"; print TODAY $f; while ($yesterday lt $f) { print "Lost file $yesterday"; $yesterday = || INFINITY; } # Now $yesterday ge $f if ($yesterday gt $f) { print "New file $f"; } else { $yesterday = || INFINITY; } } } } open(local *YESTERDAY, "<", $yesterday_file) || die "Could not open $yesterday_file: $!"; open(local *TODAY, ">", $today_file) || die "Could not create $today_file: $!"; $yesterday = || INFINITY; walk_dir("/"); if ($yesterday ne INFINITY) { print "Lost file $yesterday"; local $_; print "Lost file $_" while ; }