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( [id://3333]=superdoc: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Now bloated to a grand 428 lines, it also comes with 4 food types (stationary, random jitter, random wander, and wander+evade), and 6 levels (though only 4 have different walls). Please feel free to make up new levels and send them in, currently i can't manage to get to level 6 and live more than a few seconds, I keep chasing the bastards right into walls.

Also added some iffy features and fixed the speed issue hopefully. The iffy feature is letting each level start you at a specific spot, this can be quite disconerting the first 20 times it happens. Ideas, improvments, levels, and requests to stop posting these new versions all welcome! ;)

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Tk; use Data::Dumper; use Time::HiRes qw ( time); my $mw = MainWindow->new(-title=>"Super Nibbles!"); my ($score, $start, $speed, $last_time, $dead); $dead = 1; my $menu_bar = $mw ->Canvas()->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => ' +both'); my $score_board = $menu_bar->Label() ->pack(-side=>'right'); $menu_bar->Button(-text => 'Start', -command => sub {restart()} )->pac +k(-side=>'left'); my $board = $mw->Canvas(-width => 600, -height => 400)->pack(); my $status = $mw->Label(-text=> "Click 'Start' To Being" )->pack(-side +=>'bottom'); $mw->bind("<Left>" , sub { set_direction(0) }); $mw->bind("<Up>" , sub { set_direction(1) }); $mw->bind("<Right>", sub { set_direction(2) }); $mw->bind("<Down>" , sub { set_direction(3) }); # enable mouse control. my ($skip, $pressed, $last_x,$last_y) = 0; $mw->bind("<ButtonPress-1>", sub { $pressed = 1; }); $mw->bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", sub { $pressed = 0; }); $mw->bind("<Motion>" ,[sub { my ($e,$x,$y) = (@_); return unless $skip++ > 10; if ( $pressed && abs($last_x - $x) > abs($la +st_y - $y)) { set_direction( $last_x > $x ? 0 : 2) } elsif ($pressed) { set_direction( $last_y > $y ? 1 : 3); } ($last_x, $last_y, $skip) = ($x,$y, 0); }, Ev('x'), Ev('y')]); my $timer = Tk::After->new($mw,100,'repeat', sub { my $time = time(); next unless $time - $last_time > $speed; $last_time = $time; move() unless $dead; }); $board->createGrid(0,0,10,10 ); my $moves = [ [-1, 0], [ 0,-1],[ 1, 0], [ 0, 1] ]; my $food = [ ]; my ($l,$r,$t,$b) = (0,59,0,39); my $blocks; my $snake; my $level; my $cur_level; my $foods = { 'grass' => { food => 1, color => 'green', }, 'jitter bug' => { food => 4, color => 'orange', on_move => sub { my $block = shift; return unless rand > .1; my $move = $moves->[int rand 4]; my $new_pos = [ $block->[0] + $move->[0], + $block->[1] + $move->[1] ]; if ( ! collide(@$new_pos) ) { $block->[0] = $new_pos->[0]; $block->[1] = $new_pos->[1]; } }, }, 'wander' => { food => 5, color => 'blue', on_move => sub { my $block = shift; my $dir = $block->[3] || rand int 4; $dir += rand(int(2)) -1 if rand > .2; $dir = direction_norm($dir); move_unless_collide($block,$dir); $block->[3] = $dir; }, }, 'evade' => { food => 6, color => 'red', on_move => sub { my ($block, $snake) = @_; my $dir = $block->[3] || rand int 4; my $head = $snake->{blocks}->[0]; my @choices; if (distance(@$head, @$block) < 7 and ran +d > .3) { push @choices, ($head->[0] > $block->[0 +]) ? 0 : 2; push @choices, ($head->[1] > $block->[1 +]) ? 1 : 3; $dir = pick(@choices); } else { $dir += rand(int(2)) - 1; } move_unless_collide($block,$dir); $block->[3] = $dir; }, }, }; my $levels = { 1 => { name => "Grassy Knoll", layout => [], food => ['grass'], food_count => 3, speed => .2, victory => sub { return 1 if $score > 5 }, }, 2 => { name => "Mice will play while the cats away!", layout => [], start_at => [30,20], food => [('grass') x 3, 'jitter bug' ], food_cou +nt => 5, speed => .175, victory => sub { $score > 20 }, }, 3 => { name => "Jittery little buggers!", start_at => [30,2], layout => [ line( 0, $t+$b/2, $l+$r/2 - 5, $t+$b/2 +), line( $l+$r/2 + 5, $t+$b/2, $r, $t+$b/ +2) ], # horz line (middle gap) food => ['jitter bug' ], food_count => 2, speed => .15, victory => sub { $score > 30 }, }, 4 => { name => "Watch out for the walls (they have ears +)!", start_at => [30,2], layout => [ line( $l+$r/2 - 10, $t+$b/2, $l+$r/2 + + 10, $t+$b/2) ], food => [ 'grass', 'jitter bug','wander' ], food +_count => 3, speed => .16, victory => sub { $score > 40 }, }, 5 => { name => "Care to Wander away?", start_at => [30,20], layout => [ line($l,$t, $l + 10, $t + 10) , line($ +r - 10 , $t + 10, $r, $t), line($l,$b, $l + 10 ,$b - 10) , line($ +r - 10 , $b - 10, $r, $b) ], # corners food => ['jitter bug','wander' ], food_count => +5, speed => .14, victory => sub { $score > 50 }, }, 6 => { name => "Run for it!", layout => [ line($l,$t, $l + 10, $t + 10) , line($ +r - 10 , $t + 10, $r, $t), line($l,$b, $l + 10 ,$b - 10) , line($ +r - 10 , $b - 10, $r, $b) ], # corners food => ['evade'], food_count => 5, speed => .10, victory => sub { $score > 62 }, }, }; show_blocks(); MainLoop; sub restart { load_level(1); $snake = { direction => (int rand 4), blocks => [[30,20]], food => 2, }; status("Ready!"); $score = 0; $speed = $cur_level->{speed} || .5; Tk::After->new($mw,1000,'once', sub { status("Set"); show_snake(); }); Tk::After->new($mw,2000,'once', sub { status("Go gobble up food!!!"); $dead = 0; $start = time; }); } sub load_level { $level = shift; next unless exists $levels->{$level}; $cur_level = $levels->{$level}; $mw->configure(title => "Super Nibbles - Level $level - " . $cur_l +evel->{name}); $board->delete('food'); if ($cur_level->{start_at}) { $board->delete('snake'); $snake->{direction} = (int rand 4); $snake->{food} = scalar @{$snake->{blocks}}; $snake->{blocks} = [$cur_level->{start_at}]; show_snake(); } $blocks = $cur_level->{layout}; show_blocks(); $food = []; place_food() for (1.. ($cur_level->{food_count} || 5)); show_food(); } sub set_direction { my $dir = shift; my $cur = $snake->{direction}; # speed up in same direction move() && return if ($dir == $cur); # don't allow to reverse direction into self and die my $cur_move = $moves->[$cur]; my $new_move = $moves->[$dir]; unless ( ($cur_move->[0] + $new_move->[0]) == 0 and ($cur_move->[1] + $new_move->[1]) == 0) { $snake->{new_direction} = $dir; } } # colission detection sub in_bounds {my ($x,$y) = @_; ($x>=0 and $x<=59 and $y>=0 and $y<=39 +); } sub hit_food { my ($x,$y, $dont_consume) = @_; for my $block (@$food) { if ($x == $block->[0] and $y == $block->[1]) { my $hits = $foods->{$block->[2]}->{food}; unless ($dont_consume) { $block = undef; #hit it, remove it. $food = [ grep { defined $_ } @$food ]; } return $hits; } } return 0; } sub hit_snake { my ($x,$y) = @_; for my $block (@{$snake->{blocks}}) { if ($x == $block->[0] and $y == $block->[1]) { return 1; } } return 0; } sub hit_block { my ($x,$y) = @_; for my $block (@$blocks) { if ($x == $block->[0] and $y == $block->[1]) { return 1; } } return 0; } # check for all collisions sub collide { !in_bounds(@_) or hit_snake(@_) or hit_food (@_, 1) or hit_block(@_) } # place food randomly sub place_food { my $x = undef; my $y; while ( !defined $x or collide($x,$y) ) { $x = int(rand 60); $y = int(rand 40); } push @$food, [$x,$y, pick( @{$cur_level->{food}} )]; } # message update commands sub status { $status->configure(-text => shift); } sub update_score_board { $score_board->configure(-text => "Score: $score Time: " . (time - $s +tart)); } sub direction_norm { my $dir = shift; $dir = 0 if $dir > 3; $dir = 3 if $dir < 0; return $dir; } sub move_unless_collide { my ($block, $dir) = @_; my $move = $moves->[$dir]; my $new_pos = [ $block->[0] + $move->[0], $block->[1] + $move->[1] + ]; if ( ! collide(@$new_pos) ) { $block->[0] = $new_pos->[0]; $block->[1] = $new_pos->[1]; return 1; } return 0; } sub move { return if $dead; if (exists $snake->{new_direction}) { $snake->{direction} = $snake->{new_direction}; delete $snake->{new_direction}; } for my $block (@$food) { my $food_obj = $foods->{$block->[2]}; $food_obj->{on_move}->($block, $snake) if defined $food_obj->{ +on_move}; } show_food(); my ($xc,$yc) = @{$moves->[ $snake->{direction} ] }; my $last_pos = $snake->{blocks}->[0]; my $new_pos = [$last_pos->[0] + $xc, $last_pos->[1] + $yc]; if (in_bounds( @$new_pos ) && !hit_snake(@$new_pos) && !hit_block( +@$new_pos) ) { unshift @{$snake->{blocks}}, $new_pos; my $hits = hit_food(@$new_pos); if ($hits) { place_food(); show_food(); $snake->{food} += $hits; $score += $hits; } if ($snake->{food} > 0) { $snake->{food}--; } else { pop @{$snake->{blocks}}; } show_snake(); } else { status("Ouch! You died"); $dead = 1; } if ( $cur_level->{victory}->() ) { load_level(++$level); } update_score_board(); } # display functions. draw the playing field sub show_snake { $board->delete('snake'); my $inc = 3 / (@{ $snake->{blocks} || [] } || 1); my $size = 5; for my $block (@{$snake->{blocks}}) { $size -= $inc; circle($board, $block->[0], $block->[1], $size, 'red', 'snake +', 'circle'); } } sub show_food { $board->delete('food'); for my $block ( @$food ) { block($board, $block->[0], $block->[1], $foods->{$block->[2]}- +>{color}, 'food'); } } sub show_blocks { $board->delete('block'); for my $block ( @$blocks ) { block($board, $block->[0], $block->[1], 'black', 'block'); } } #Tk display functions (normalized to our play grid) sub circle { my ($canvas,$x,$y,$size, $color, $tag) = @_; $color ||= 'red'; $size ||= 0; $x = ($x * 10) + 5; $y = ($y * 10) + 5; $canvas->createOval($x-$size,$y-$size,$x+$size, $y+$size , -fill=> + $color, -tags => [$tag]); } sub block { my ($canvas,$x,$y,$color, $tag) = @_; $color ||= 'red'; $canvas->createRectangle($x*10,$y*10,($x+1) * 10, ($y + 1) *10, -f +ill=> $color, -tags => [$tag]); } ## Util Functions sub round { int( $_[0] + ( $_[0] < 0 ? -.5 : .5 ) ); } sub distance { my ($x1,$y1, $x2,$y2) = @_; sqrt( ($x1 - $x2)**2 + ($y1 - $y2)**2 ); } sub pick { @_[rand @_] }; sub line { my ($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2) = @_; my $x_diff = $x2 - $x1; my $y_diff = $y2 - $y1; my @out; if (abs($x_diff) >= abs($y_diff)) { my $y_step = $y_diff / $x_diff; my $y = $y1; for my $x ( $x1 .. $x2) { push @out, [$x, round($y)]; $y += $y_step; } } else { my $x_step = $x_diff / $y_diff; my $x = $x1; for my $y ( $y1 .. $y2) { push @out, [round($x), $y]; $x += $x_step; } } return @out; }

Eric Hodges $_='y==QAe=e?y==QG@>@?iy==QVq?f?=a@iG?=QQ=Q?9'; s/(.)/ord($1)-50/eigs;tr/6123457/- \/|\\\_\n/;print;

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