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( [id://3333]=superdoc: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

No it really doesnt look right to me. Have a look through the sources for similar code. I dont think youll see so many calls to sv_2mortal. I suggest using something like the XS that comes with DBI, or the XS that comes with List::Util for examples.

I realize that given my earlier mistaken reply you probably arent inclined to rate my opinion highly, but I strongly encourage you to look into this further. Its sufficiently different looking from XS and core code ive seen before that it rings alarm bells in my head. Especially given that you arent using newRV_noinc() anywhere, despite perlguts specifically saying you should be.


In reply to Re^9: perlembed: mortalize an AV or not (misc) by demerphq
in thread perlembed: mortalize an AV, get "Attempt to free unreferenced scalar" - don't mortalize, leaks memory by edan

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