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by sschneid (Deacon)
on Mar 10, 2004 at 19:40 UTC ( [id://335575]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: Utility Scripts
Author/Contact Info Scott Schneider <>
Description: repinactive prints a summary report of accounts deemed 'inactive'.
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

# $Id: repinactive,v 1.6 2004/03/10 19:23:22 scott Exp $

package repinactive;

use strict;

use Date::Manip;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;

$| = 1;

# Signal-trapping
$SIG{'INT'}  = sub { warn "Caught INT; exiting\n";  exit; };
$SIG{'TERM'} = sub { warn "Caught TERM; exiting\n"; exit; };

my $self = repinactive->_init();

GetOptions (
    'a'     => \$self->{'a'},
    'h'     => \$self->{'h'},
    'i=s'   => \$self->{'i'},
    't=s'   => \$self->{'t'}

# Display perldoc if -h specified
$self->{'h'} and do { pod2usage('-verbose' => 2); exit; };

# Die if no options received
!($ARGV[0] || $self->{'a'}) and do { pod2usage(); exit; };

$self->{'t'} ||= '90days';

# Create user hash of ignored users if -i specified
$self->{'i'} and do {
    open IG, $self->{'i'} or die "Error opening ignore list: $!\n";
    while (<IG>) { chomp; $self->{'u'}->{"$_"}->{'ignore'} = 1; }
    close IG;

# Get list of users
if ($self->{'a'}) {
    open PW, '/etc/passwd';
    while (<PW>) { chomp; push @{$self->{'p'}}, $1 if /^(.+?):/; }
    close PW;
} else {
    map { push @{$self->{'p'}}, $_; } @ARGV;

foreach my $user (@{$self->{'p'}}) {
    # Finger user
    my $last = qx(/usr/bin/finger $user);

    # Get real name (if avail)
    if ($last =~ /In real life: (.*)\/{0,}/) {
        $self->{'u'}->{"$user"}->{'name'} = $1;
    } else {
        $self->{'u'}->{"$user"}->{'name'} = '??';

    # Determine last login time
    for ($last) {
        # Currently online; don't disable
        /On since/ && do { $self->{'u'}->{"$user"}->{'last'} = 'now'; 

        # Never logged in; grounds for disabling
        /Never logged in/ && do {
            $self->{'u'}->{"$user"}->{'last'} = 'never';
            $self->{'u'}->{"$user"}->{'rm'} = '1';

        # Determine if last login is within the last 90 days
        /Last login (.+?) on/ && do {
            $self->{'u'}->{"$user"}->{'last'} = $1;
            if (Date_Cmp(
                    DateCalc('today', "-$self->{'t'}"), ParseDate($1)
                ) == 1) {
                $self->{'u'}->{"$user"}->{'rm'} = '1';

# Display report
chomp(my $hostname = qx(/usr/bin/hostname));
print "The following users have not logged into $hostname "
    . "in the last 90 days:\n\n";
printf "%-15s %-30s %-20s\n\n",
    'User', 'Full name (if avail)', 'Last login';

foreach (keys %{$self->{'u'}}) {
    next unless $self->{'u'}->{"$_"}->{'rm'};
    next if $self->{'u'}->{"$_"}->{'ignore'};
    printf "%-15s %-30s %-20s\n",
        $_, $self->{'u'}->{"$_"}->{'name'}, $self->{'u'}->{"$_"}->{'la

# Initialize
sub _init { return bless {}, shift; }

=head1 NAME

repinactive - summarize inactive user accounts


repinactive [ -hit ] <-a || user1 user2 ...>


B<repinactive> prints a summary of accounts deemed 'inactive' (see -t 

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item -h

View this perldoc.

=item -i

Ignore (exclude) all users listed in <file> from the report.

=item -t

Specify an inactivity period.  Defaults to '90days'.  Note that this m
+ust be in
valid L<Date::Manip> format.

=item -a

Report on all user accounts in /etc/passwd.


=head1 USAGE

repinactive -i /etc/passwd.ignore -t 30days -a

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Scott Schneider,



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