PsychoSpunk has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Warning! This post is off topic and may offend you if you are under the belief that all posts must cover Perl. I am not responsible for any distress caused by reading beyond the disclaimer of this post.

I am primarily a programmer. I am lucky that I get paid to write perl. I am not so lucky that I have to do some oddball system adminstration work every once in a while. This is about the oddball system administration work with Apache that I am trying to do right now with mod_rewrite.

I currently have a client that has two web servers, A and B. A is running IIS and will be known as B will be accessed through redirection on A if the server gets a request for and A will return as the new location on the browser.

My task is to avoid the location change. This is a decree from the marketroids on high. :) In an attempt to do this, I initially employed mod_rewrite and made a ruleset that came close to my desired output. There was a sole issue, I did in fact create an infinite loop between the web servers.

I am presuming that since B, running linux/apache, is the final destination, it will be in charge of creating the final location bar text. But I can't figure out how to stop mod_rewrite from preparsing the rules and the subsequent redirection back to A. I know that there are some sysadmins hanging out around these parts, so I figured that perhaps I can make use of your black magic, in the hopes that someday you may have a question that I can answer in return.

I now return you to your regularly expressed perl questions.